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Approximation of an integral - Riemann sum
Riemann sum is a certain kind of approximation of an integral by a finite sum. In this problem, I want you to use Midpoint Riem...

1년 초과 전

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String Manipulator
Write a script that takes a string as an input and returns a cell array containing – I. the count of vowels. II. Find the ind...

1년 초과 전

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Count of Unique Elements of a Vector
Count the number of times each unique element appears in a vector. Example: Input x = [2 9 1 2 4 9 2] Output y = [1 1; 2 3; 4...

1년 초과 전

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Time reverse indices
Time reverse the index values as follows IndexIn = [7 1 0] IndexOut = [7 6 0] Note that the indices are zero based and so...

1년 초과 전

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Toads and Frogs Puzzle
On a one-dimensional board with n + m + 1 cells, there are n counters in the first n cells representing Toads and m counters in ...

1년 초과 전

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XOR fibonacci
a & b are the first two terms in the xor fibonacci sequence. Find the nth term of that sequence. XOR fib sequence is that in ...

1년 초과 전

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Find the shortest distance between a point and a straight line.
Given the Cartesian coordinates of three points A, B and C (in a flat Euclidean space), find the shortest distance between the ...

1년 초과 전

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How many ways?
Create a program to determine in how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into n-2 triangles?

1년 초과 전

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Intrication de deux vecteurs
Ecrire une fonction "intric" qui prend en entrée un vecteur ligne v1 et un vecteur ligne v2 et renvoie le vecteur ligne vres don...

1년 초과 전

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Round up to π

1년 초과 전

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Modulo of sum of square of first n primes with 24

1년 초과 전

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Determine if vector has any zeroes
Return 1 if vector has atleast 1 zero, else return 0

1년 초과 전

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Return longest string in 1-D array of strings
Find the longest string in an array of strings. Return an empty string if the initial array is empty. If there are multiple stri...

1년 초과 전

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Sort vector by number of prime factors of each element
Sort a given array based on how many prime factors each term has. Sort from least to greatest and output original values. Ex: ...

1년 초과 전

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Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Find a short way through given points. This is the travelling salesman problem. But the solution should be a fast and small func...

1년 초과 전

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Make the first letter of a sentence Capital.
In this problem you will be given a string of 2 or 3 lines. Your work is to make the first letters of every line Capital. You wi...

1년 초과 전

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Draw a triangle of ones
For any given n, return a matrix that includes a triangle of ones of height n: Example n = 3 output = [0,0,1,0,0 ...

1년 초과 전

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Create a column vector of n elements between a and b (both included)
Given lower limit a and an upper limit b, create a column vector of n elements inclusive of a and b. For example: a = 1, b = 4,...

1년 초과 전

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Exhaust all possible logical vectors
Input a length argument and list all possible logical vectors of that length. My solution is of size 29. Can you find an even s...

1년 초과 전

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1년 초과 전

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Flip the diagonal values
Write a program that flip the elements of main diagonal , upper and lower diagonal values of a sqare matrix. For example if a ...

1년 초과 전

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Calculate Triangle Area: A, B and Beta is given

1년 초과 전

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Calculate the Distance to Source of Lightning
Lightning discharge heats air rapidly with lightning channels reaching temperatures of up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit (which is...

1년 초과 전

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Dominant Matrix - 01
A matrix is said to be diagonally dominant if for every row of the matrix, the magnitude of the diagonal entry in a row is large...

1년 초과 전

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Original coordinate of the min element of a subset of elements

1년 초과 전

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Sum of 2 numbers in array
Given an array and a target sum, return true if any 2 numbers in the array sum up to the given target sum. Both numbers cannot h...

1년 초과 전

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Identifying teenager
Suppose the age of a person is given. If he/she is a teenage, answer is 'yes'. Otherwise, the answer is 'no'.

1년 초과 전

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Zero or hero
A number will be given as an input. You can be hero if it's not zero. (Just for fun)

1년 초과 전

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Let's create histogram data by yourself.
We'd like to create histogram data, which first column shows the data, and second column shows the frequency. input = [1, 2, 1,...

1년 초과 전

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Fangs of pseudo-vampire number
given a number, find all the fangs of that number. A pseudo-vampire number can have multiple of fangs. The output should be a...

1년 초과 전

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