답변 있음 x.mat does not exist on the MATLAB path
I see that you are getting an error that “untitled.mat” does not exist on the MATLAB path while using the ‘Signal Editor...
9개월 전 | 0
답변 있음 STL Creation after Savitzky Filter
Hi Holden,
I understand that you wish to create contours using your program and obtain the same outcomes as when you do not uti...
답변 있음 Synthetic data with monte carlo
Hi Nikolas,
According to what I understand, you want to use Monte Carlo simulation to create synthetic data using the provided ...
답변 있음 Simulink IFFT complex rounding error?
Hey, Peter,
I understand that when you perform an IFFT computation in Simulink, you obtain a tiny imaginary component in the ra...
9개월 전 | 0
답변 있음 Real time sound processing
It is my understanding that you are trying to implement the “Active noise control with Simulink real-time” model ...
답변 있음 using 3 filter back to back
Hey, Huijia Ma,
I understand that you want to achieve the filter response, using three RC low pass filters with a cut-off frequ...