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Laws of motion 6

11개월 전

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Laws of motion 5

11개월 전

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Laws of motion 4
Given the initial velocity 'u', final velocity 'v' and acceleration 'a', find the distance travelled.

11개월 전

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Laws of motion 3

11개월 전

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Laws of motion 2

11개월 전

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Laws of motion 1

11개월 전

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Find Logic 4

11개월 전

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Find Logic 1

11개월 전

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Find Logic 3

11개월 전

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Divisible by 15
Write a function to determine if a number is divisible by 15. If a number is <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/proble...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 16
Write a function to determine if a number is divisible by 16. This can be done by a few different methods. Here are two: # If...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 8
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 6
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 9
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 10
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 5
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 4
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 3
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

11개월 전

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Divisible by 2
This is the first problem in a set of "divisible by x" problems. You will be provided a number as a string and the function you ...

11개월 전

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Find the maximum number of decimal places in a set of numbers
Given a vector or matrix of values, calculate the maximum number of decimal places within the input. Trailing zeros do not count...

11개월 전

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Make roundn function
Make roundn function using round. x=0.55555 y=function(x,1) y=1 y=function(x,2) y=0.6 y=function(x,3) ...

11개월 전

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Matlab Basics - Rounding III
Write a script to round a large number to the nearest 10,000 e.g. x = 12,358,466,243 --> y = 12,358,470,000

11개월 전

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Check that number is whole number
Check that number is whole number Say x=15, then answer is 1. x=15.2 , then answer is 0. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole_numb...

11개월 전

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MATLAB Basic: rounding IV
Do rounding towards plus infinity. Example: -8.8, answer -8 +8.1 answer 9 +8.50 answer 9

11개월 전

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MATLAB Basic: rounding III
Do rounding towards minus infinity. Example: -8.8, answer -9 +8.1 answer 8 +8.50 answer 8

11개월 전

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MATLAB Basic: rounding II
Do rounding nearest integer. Example: -8.8, answer -9 +8.1 answer 8 +8.50 answer 9

11개월 전

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MATLAB Basic: rounding
Do rounding near to zero Example: -8.8, answer -8 +8.1 answer 8

11개월 전

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Air Mass to Star for an Observer at Mean Sea Level
Air mass is a measure of how much atmosphere light from a source above the atmosphere (eg sun, planet, star) has to travel throu...

11개월 전

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Find vampire numbers
A <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_number vampire number> is a number v that is the product of two numbers x and y such th...

11개월 전

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Vector creation
Create a vector using square brackets going from 1 to the given value x in steps on 1. Hint: use increment.

11개월 전

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