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How do I plot Simulink signal values saved to the MATLAB workspace on an axes?
I assume you run the Simulink model from the MATLAB GUI using the |sim| command. The data from your Scope will end up in the GUI...

거의 14년 전 | 5

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Unable to publish matlab .m file in cell mode, to Micosoft Word 2010
Have a look at this <http://www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/659693 bug report> and see if the suggested workaround fixes yo...

거의 14년 전 | 1

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lsqcurvefit of a summation function where the parameter to evaluate is the last index of the summation (so an integer)
I'm not sure this is something that can be done with the Curve Fitting Toolbox. I think a better approach would be to use the Op...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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How do I create a string for a plot title from one fixed string and one I get from INPUT?
name1 = input('Plot's title part 1','s'); name2 = input('Plot's title part 2','s'); t = 0:0.01:10; y = sin(t); plot(t,y) ...

거의 14년 전 | 2

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Find Referenced Variables - Model Explorer
|FC| is calculated in the mask initialization based on the parameters you enter in the mask: right-click on the fuel cell block,...

거의 14년 전 | 5

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답변 있음
How to use the polyfit block in Simulink
If a doesn't change, then surely factor = a? If that's the case, a simple Polynomial block parameterized with a should do the tr...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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Building a 64 bit mex file from a 32 bit machine
I don't believe so. The other way round is possible because you can install a 32-bit MATLAB on a 64-bit O/S. You can't however, ...

거의 14년 전 | 1

답변 있음
How to use the polyfit block in Simulink
Use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/toolbox/simulink/slref/polynomial.html Polynomial> block. HTH, Arna...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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Curve fit tool and log scale
From the curve fitting tool, once you're done with the fitting, click on |File| -> |Generate Code| to generate the MATLAB code f...

거의 14년 전 | 2

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답변 있음
Solver Configuration for Pneumatic in Simulink
First, you are not using an appropriate solver. In the MATLAB command window, you should see something like: |Warning: The so...

거의 14년 전 | 3

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답변 있음
Converting Analog Filter into Digital Filter
sys_cont = tf(B,A); sys_disc = c2d(sys_cont,1/fs); bode(sys_cont,sys_disc,w); HTH, Arnaud

거의 14년 전 | 0

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when i ran my simulink program i faced the error .please give the solution of this error :Solver ode45 is not supported by Physical Networks. Select one of these solvers: ode23t, ode15s or ode14x (fixed-step)
The error/warning message is pretty self-explanatory. |ode45| is not an appropriate solver for physical networks. Use |ode23t| o...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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kindly tell me can i solve linear algebra equitions
# Use <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/techdoc/ref/roots.html |roots|> # This is simple linear algebra. Have a lo...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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Greek letters on MATLAB Figures
See <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/techdoc/creating_plots/f0-4741.html Adding Text Annotations to Graphs> in the...

거의 14년 전 | 2

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답변 있음
Convert range of signal values to constant by Simulink
You can also use a <http://www.mathworks.com/products/stateflow/ Stateflow> chart to construct your logic algorithm. Arnaud

거의 14년 전 | 1

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How to use your own code in simulink
Is this MATLAB code you're talking about? You can use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/toolbox/simulink/slref/...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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I assume you are referring to the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/toolbox/simulink/slref/multiportswitch.html Mul...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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save path
Something like that should do: base_path = 'D:\folder_1\folder_2'; % You can also use dir to get the list of the subfolder...

거의 14년 전 | 2

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답변 있음
Drift in simMechanics forward dynamics solver(with link to example model)
Looking at the model, it seems to be doing exactly what's expected. Change the stop time to 10s, max step size to 0.01s (you mig...

거의 14년 전 | 1

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Add radio buttons in figure
You probably need to create a user interface using <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/techdoc/ref/guide.html |guide|...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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Contour plot
Try this: contour(a,[1 1]) HTH, Arnaud

거의 14년 전 | 0

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Unsure of which block to use in simulink to keep running total.
If you are using a fixed-step discrete solver, then probably a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/toolbox/simulink/s...

거의 14년 전 | 2

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Discontinuities detected within algebraic loop
Co-simulation can be a source of numerical problems. Here are a few tips for dealing with algebraic loops: * <http://www.math...

거의 14년 전 | 2

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read excel files from different directories
Use a combination of <http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/ref/dir.html |dir|>, <http://www.mathworks.com/acces...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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Dates in MATLAB
This is because of the way you set |XTick|. Use this instead: set(gca,'XTick',linspace(startDate,endDate,11)) datetick('x'...

거의 14년 전 | 1

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답변 있음
Where can I upload images and files for use on MATLAB Answers?
I use my own Picasa Web Album. It takes a bit of work to link just the picture as opposed to the web page it's located on, but a...

거의 14년 전 | 1

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TCP Through Serial Port
It's not clear what you want to do: # Send messages over TCP/IP from *Simulink* on your *host* machine (which is presumably con...

거의 14년 전 | 2

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Best way(s) to master MATLAB?
If you prefer to learn in a more structured/classroom environment, I would recommend the training courses from MathWorks: MATLA...

거의 14년 전 | 10

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moving window
Maybe the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/toolbox/dsp/ref/buffer.html Buffer> block from the <http://www.mathwork...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Is it possible to obtain the poppet stroke of the cartridge valve?
If you use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/toolbox/physmod/hydro/ref/hydrauliccartridgevalveactuator.html Hyd...

거의 14년 전 | 0

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