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Area Conversion 1

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Velocity Conversion

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Area Conversion 2

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Energy Conversion 1

3년 초과 전

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Energy Conversion 2

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Find the slope

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Laws of motion 1

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Laws of motion 2

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Laws of motion 3

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Laws of motion 4

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Laws of motion 5

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Laws of motion 6

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Laws of motion 7

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Kinetic energy calculation

3년 초과 전

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Potential energy calculation

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Total energy

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Add 3 numbers
In this problem, you have to add three numbers a, b and c. Give output d = add(a,b,c)

3년 초과 전

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Efficiency of a single phase Transformer
Calculate the efficiency of a single phase transformer whose KVA rating is A KVA, loading factor x,power factor p,full load copp...

3년 초과 전

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Calculate Resistance
Calculate Resistance R of a linear conductor having resistivity p, length l and area A

3년 초과 전

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Calculate Resistance 2
In this problem, you have to calculate Resistance R of a linear conductor having voltage V across it and current I is passing i...

3년 초과 전

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Find square of given number
Find Square of any number

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Find Logic 4

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Find Logic 3

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Find Logic 2

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Find Logic 1

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Find Logic 5

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Find Logic 6

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Find Logic 7

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Find Logic 8

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Find Logic 9

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