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From a given cell array of strings, extract the non-unique strings.
We are given a cell array of strings C. From this cell array we require to extract the subset of non-unique strings, returning t...

5개월 전

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Genome decoding
Inspired by a question on the answer forum: You are given a matrix of 8-bit integers which encodes a genome. Each integer can...

5개월 전

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Legend of Zelda - Rupee Count (Item Purchase)
Building off of <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/3025-zelda-rupee-count Problem 3025>, suppose that an arr...

5개월 전

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Legend of Zelda - Rupee Count (Compact)
Building off of <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/3025-zelda-rupee-count Problem 3025>, suppose that Link's...

5개월 전

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Cat, Meowcat and Concatenation
Input is a cell array containing several strings. Find the largest continuous sub-string common to all strings. All strings are ...

5개월 전

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Sum All Positive Elements
Output a scalar that is equal to the sum of all positive elements in a given vector/matrix. For Example: The sum of all positi...

5개월 전

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Diagonal Product of A Square Matrix
For a matrix A, calculate the product of its diagonal elements. * Assume all input matrices are square & corresponding element...

6개월 전

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Spiral In
Create an m by n matrix filled with sequential integers starting from 1 and arranged in a counterclockwise spiral that hugs the ...

6개월 전

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Spot the rectangle (Part 2)
This problem is related to the 17x17 challenge. See also Part 1 of this problem. Given a matrix in which each element is either ...

6개월 전

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Spot the rectangle
This problem is related to the 17x17 challenge. Given a matrix filled with ones and zeros, determine whether or not any rectangl...

6개월 전

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calculate the day of the year from a date string.
'09-Oct-2016' is the 283rd day of the year. So doy = dayoftheyear('09-Oct-2016') should return doy = 283

6개월 전

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Get an array of month-ends in a date range
Create a function that would return a list of month-ends falling in a given date range. If a start date or end date falls on a...

6개월 전

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Lost days
Given two dates in a particular format, calculate the difference between them.

6개월 전

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Calendar Matrix
Return a calendar matrix for the given values of month and year. Assume that Sunday is the first day of the week. The resulting ...

6개월 전

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Count the days
Count the occurrence of a particular day (e.g. Monday) for a given duration.

6개월 전

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Friday the 13th
According to superstition, lots of unpleasant stuff happens on Friday the 13th, so you might like to find the next occurence of ...

6개월 전

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Find the day for a date
Today's day and date will be given to you. By utilising that you need to find the day of the old date. (Date will be in DD/MM/YY...

6개월 전

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The End of the World
given a date -- represent it in the Maya long count system. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar> <https://maya.nm...

6개월 전

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How long until the weekend?
Write a function a that takes a date vector as an input and returns the number of hours until the weekend begins. The beginning...

6개월 전

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Days until next NewYear ball drop
Given a date string in the form 'yyyy-mm-dd' or 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss', calculate the number of *days* until the dropping of the ...

6개월 전

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Mean and standard deviation of times in string
Input(t) - cell of strings with times in format 'min:sec.ms' Output([m, s]) - two strings with mean and standard deviation wi...

6개월 전

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Morse Code Generator! Try it!
.... . .-.. .-.. --- . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . -.-.-- .-.. . - ... -.. --- ... --- -- . -- --...

6개월 전

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Simple Caesar Cypher - shift encrypt a message given an index number
A Caesar cypher is a simple shift encryption method. Your goal is to create a function that allows a user to input a string and ...

6개월 전

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Words Count: A Cell Array Approach
Given an input character vector consisting of words, punctuation marks, white spaces, and possibly newline characters (\n), arra...

6개월 전

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String Array Basics, Part 4: Convert String Array with Missing Values to Cell Array
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

6개월 전

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String Array Basics, Part 3: Convert Cell Array with Missing Values to String Array
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

6개월 전

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We are playing the boardgame mastermind <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_(board_game)>. The game master has created a 4...

6개월 전

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Mastermind IV: Optimal Solver - max of 5 guesses
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_(board_game) Mastermind> is a code breaking logic puzzle. A pattern of 6 colors(values...

6개월 전

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Words Count: A String Array Approach
Given an input character vector consisting of words, punctuation marks, white spaces, and possibly newline characters (\n), arra...

6개월 전

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Combine the first and last names
MATLAB R2016 provides a rich set of functions to work with string arrays. In this problem, you will be given two string arrays o...

6개월 전

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