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CodyMATLAB AnswersFrom 03/13 to 03/25Use left and right arrows to move selectionFrom 03/13Use left and right arrows to move left selectionTo 03/25Use left and right arrows to move right selectionUse TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection100%
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Longest Divisor Run
Given the vector a, find the longest run of consecutive numbers that can be evenly divided by the same number d where d > 1. ...

4년 초과 전

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Times 3
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by three and put the result in y. Example...

4년 초과 전

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Mo money, mo math 1! (★★★)
(adapted from Prob 9 Cody team) You have a vector where the elements represent the number of $20 bills, $10 bills, $5 bills, ...

4년 초과 전

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Times 11
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by eleven and put the result in y. Exampl...

4년 초과 전

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DETERMİNE bigger input
which one is biigger x or z

4년 초과 전

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Calculate the volume of a cone
Calculate the volume of a cone given an array containing one column of radii and one column of the height of the cone. * Reme...

4년 초과 전

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How many apple
You have x apples I take from you y apples now how many apples you have ?

4년 초과 전

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Find the y=(1:x)
Look at the question

4년 초과 전

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How tall are you?
measures your height forexample= 175cm 180cm 169cm

4년 초과 전

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Times 5
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by five and put the result in y. Examples...

4년 초과 전

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Pentagonal dodecahedron
<<>> Pentagonal dodecahedron is a dodecahedron that is ...

4년 초과 전

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Sum 1 to 100 even number
Write a Matlab program to add all the even numbers from 0 to 100 |

4년 초과 전

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Times 10
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by ten and put the result in y. Examples:...

4년 초과 전

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Times 10
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by ten and put the result in y. Examples:...

4년 초과 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Fill a zeros matrix (★★★★★)
(Copy of Problem 830) The aim is to fill an array of all zeros given a numerical value and the index of row and columns for t...

4년 초과 전

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Doubling elements in a vector (★★)
(copy of prob. 1024) Given the vector A, return B in which all numbers in A are doubling. So for: A = [ 1 5 8 ] t...

4년 초과 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Mo money, mo math #2! (adapted from Prob 9 Cody team)
You have a matrix for which each row is a person and the columns represent the number of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies th...

거의 5년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Prime number check
One way to see if a number x is prime is to compute the remainders obtained when dividing x by all integers from 2 to √(x). If x...

거의 5년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Sum of terms in a series 1
Given x and n, compute the following sum: |x|+|x|^(1/2)+|x|^(1/3)+|x|^(1/4)+|x|^(1/5) ... + |x|^(1/n) where ||x|| indica...

거의 5년 전

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Sort even numbers from 1 to 100
Sort even numbers from 1 to 100 for ex: x=1:100

거의 5년 전

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How many points lie within the rectangle and how many aren't?
Suppose, you are given the coordinates of bottom-left and top-right corners of a rectangle as *input-1, R* i.e *R=[Bottom-left c...

거의 5년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Find the next binary palindrome number
We all know, a *palindrome* is nothing but a number or character which remains the same after the forward or backward alteration...

거의 5년 전

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Find the absolute value of c=a-b
Find the absolute value of c=a-b

거의 5년 전

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Number of lattice points within a circle
Find the number of points (x,y) in square lattice with x^2 + y^2 =< n. This is related to Jame's <

거의 5년 전

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Power Numbers
Find the n-th power of m.

거의 5년 전

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Minimum Distance Point to Segment
This Challenge is to determine the minimum distance from a 2-D line segment defined by two points to a point. The point is (p...

거의 5년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Create a matrix that counts up diagonally
Given a single input _N_, create a _N_ x _N_ matrix that counts from 1 : _N_ ², (along up-right diagonals, starting with 1 in th...

거의 5년 전

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Beads on a Necklace (Convex Hulls)
We may describe a < convex hull> as a rubber band stretched around a list of points. Som...

거의 5년 전

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Portfolio diversification: choose your stocks !
we have the returns of 3 stocks for the last 4 years and we have to combine only 2 stocks that are less correlated. Example: ...

거의 5년 전

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What gear ratio does the cyclist need?
A cyclist (perhaps including our famed Codysolver the cyclist <

거의 5년 전

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