To be able to undrstand the preparation and prediction process you have to read the following paper:
Please provide a proper citation of the above paper as:
T. Berghout, L. -H. Mouss, T. Bentrcia and M. Benbouzid, "A Semi-supervised Deep Transfer Learning Approach for Rolling-Element Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction," in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2021.3116423.
Related paper : The following guide also will be very very helpful for beginners to do RUL prediction experiments (published 2022).
Please provide a proper citation this guide as:
Berghout T, Benbouzid M. A Systematic Guide for Predicting Remaining Useful Life with Machine Learning. Electronics. 2022; 11(7):1125.
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