Can we predict from the hidden layer of the neural network?

버전 1.0.0 (9.84 KB) 작성자: BERGHOUT Tarek
A new original autoencoder that allows hiding labels inside the hidden layer for later prediction has been developed
다운로드 수: 75
업데이트 날짜: 2021/4/14

라이선스 보기

“Predicting from the Hidden Layer of a Neural Network!!!???” It's weird, isn't it? Actually this is a very interesting idea; we have developed a new original autoencoder that allows hiding labels inside the hidden layer to predict from it later, rather than the output layer in a completely unsupervised approximation. The idea applies to both numerical and categorical outputs (regression and classification). The question is ……. Why fro the hidden layer?
Check out our recently published work and find out the answer.

Note: This version is only the basic version of the one designed in the paper.

인용 양식

BERGHOUT Tarek (2024). Can we predict from the hidden layer of the neural network? (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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Basic_version_of_the_proposed autoencouder

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