The Optimal ITAE Transfer Function for Step Input

버전 (16.2 KB) 작성자: Yi Cao
Revisit the optimal ITAE transfer function using numerical optimization and digital computer
다운로드 수: 4.2K
업데이트 날짜: 2008/1/31

라이선스 보기

The original ITAE (stands for Integral of Time multiplied by Absolute Error) coefficient table was drived by D. Graham and R.C. Lathrop through an analog computer. The table has been widely adopted as a standard design tool in most undergraduate level control engineering text books. However, the optimality of these coefficients has been questioned by several researchers. This code provides a means to re-calculate these coefficient using more advanced numerical optimization techniques in digital computers.

1. D. Graham and R.C. Lathrop, "The Synthesis of Optimum Response: Criteria ans Standard Forms, Part 2", Transactions of the AIEE 72, Nov. 1953, pp. 273-288

2. Y. Cao, "Correcting the minimum ITAE standard forms of zero-displaceemnt-error systems", Journal of Zhejiang University (Natural Science) Vol. 23, N0o.4, pp. 550-559, 1989.

인용 양식

Yi Cao (2024). The Optimal ITAE Transfer Function for Step Input (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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