
버전 1.0.0 (12.8 KB) 작성자: Hernia Baby
findRequiredToolboxes facilitates identifying the necessary toolboxes for a MATLAB script, function, or Simulink model.
다운로드 수: 10
업데이트 날짜: 2024/5/26

View findRequiredToolboxes on File Exchange

This MATLAB code defines a function findRequiredToolboxes which identifies the toolboxes required for a given MATLAB script or function file. The function can handle .m, .mlx, and .slx file types. Below is a detailed explanation of the code:

Function Definition and Description

function requiredToolboxes = findRequiredToolboxes(scriptPath)
  • findRequiredToolboxes is the function name.
  • scriptPath is the input argument, representing the file path of the MATLAB script or function.
  • requiredToolboxes is the output, which will be a list of required toolboxes.

Function Documentation

    % findRequiredToolboxes - Identifies the toolboxes required for a given MATLAB script or function.
    % Syntax: requiredToolboxes = findRequiredToolboxes(scriptPath)
    % Inputs:
    %    scriptPath - The file path of the MATLAB script or function for which you want to identify required toolboxes
    % Outputs:
    %    requiredToolboxes - A list of required toolboxes
  • This section provides a brief description of the function, its syntax, inputs, and outputs.

Input Handling

    % You can set scriptPath with GUI or directly.
    switch nargin
        case 0
            [file,path] = uigetfile( ...
                {'*.m;*.mlx;*.slx', ...
                'MATLAB Files (*.m,*.mlx,*.slx)'; ...
                '*.*',  'All Files (*.*)'},'Select a file');
            if isequal(file,0)
                disp('User selected Cancel');
                msg = 'You need to select a file.';
                path = fullfile(path,file);
        case 1
            path = scriptPath;
  • This section handles the input scriptPath.
  • If no input argument is provided (nargin == 0), a file selection dialog (uigetfile) is presented to the user.
    • If the user cancels the file selection, an error message is displayed.
    • If a file is selected, its full path is constructed.
  • If an input argument is provided (nargin == 1), path is set to scriptPath.

Toolboxes Identification

    % To find toolboxes
    [~,~,ext] = fileparts(path);
    if ext == ".slx"
        sList = dependencies.toolboxDependencyAnalysis(path);
        requiredToolboxes = string(sList)';
        [~, pList] = matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts(path);
        Tbox = string({pList.Name}');
        Certain = cell2mat({pList.Certain}');
        requiredToolboxes = Tbox(Certain);
  • The function then determines the file extension of the provided file using fileparts.
  • If the file is a Simulink model (.slx):
    • dependencies.toolboxDependencyAnalysis(path) is used to find the required toolboxes.
    • The results are converted to a string array and transposed.
  • If the file is a MATLAB script or function (.m or .mlx):
    • matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts(path) is used to find the required files and products.
    • The product names are extracted into a string array Tbox.
    • Only the certain toolboxes (where the Certain flag is true) are included in the final list requiredToolboxes.


  • The function findRequiredToolboxes facilitates identifying the necessary toolboxes for a MATLAB script, function, or Simulink model.
  • It provides flexibility by allowing the user to either input the file path directly or select it via a GUI dialog.
  • It handles different file types (.m, .mlx, .slx) appropriately to determine the required toolboxes.

인용 양식

Hernia Baby (2025). findRequiredToolboxes (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

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