Mitigation of adversarial attacks: monitoring smart grids

버전 1.0.0 (4 MB) 작성자: BERGHOUT Tarek
These codes presents a deep learning approach based robust data engineering for mitigation of adversarial attacks and wide area monitoring.
다운로드 수: 136
업데이트 날짜: 2023/6/7

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These files describe an experiment performed on phasor measurement unites dataset that is made publicly available . The goal of the experiment is to train a deep network to be resilient against any adversarial attacks. A specific Robust feature engineering and a deep learning are involved in model reconstructions. fast gradient sign method and basic iterative method are involved in this case.
Notes: (i) To be able to produce experiments provided in of these codes, you have to run the "*.m" files in the directory in alphabetical order. (ii) Then you can plot results starting by any "plot...*.m" files.
link to the original paper:
Please cite our work as:
Berghout, T.; Benbouzid, M.; Amirat, Y. Towards Resilient and Secure Smart Grids against PMU Adversarial Attacks: A Deep Learning-Based Robust Data Engineering Approach. Electronics 2023, 12, 2554.

인용 양식

Berghout, Tarek, et al. “Towards Resilient and Secure Smart Grids against PMU Adversarial Attacks: A Deep Learning-Based Robust Data Engineering Approach.” Electronics, vol. 12, no. 12, MDPI AG, June 2023, p. 2554, doi:10.3390/electronics12122554.

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