The default margins for figure windows in MATLAB are...


설문 종료


The default margins for figure windows in MATLAB are...

Too small
Just right
Too large
추천 수: 2648

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Ross Burchill
Ross Burchill 2025년 2월 11일 3:57
Use tiledLayout tight or compact for better aesthetic.
Anthony 2025년 2월 5일
The default background color (gray) is not optimal for me, it prevents quick copy-paste to documents. I always do a set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]) when I create a figure.
In my opionion default LineWidth for plots could also be set to 2, and default FontSize could also be increased (to 12 for example).
Current default values are just not friendly for copy-pasting in documents or slides.
Community, do you agree?
goc3 2025년 2월 5일
Have you tried using the Figure Copy Template in Preferences (I see it in 24b). I have not actively used it, but it does have some of the preferences you mention. It could benefit from having even more figure options, including margins!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2025년 2월 5일
+1 I started using the copy option in the figure menu or I call copygraphics directly. This removes background color and often results in a higher resolution than 3rd party screenshot apps.
Joscelyn Kooistra
Joscelyn Kooistra 2025년 2월 4일
take it easy goldilocks !
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2025년 1월 30일
Are you asking about the default margins for figure windows in release R2024b, those in the release R2025a prerelease, or just in general in whichever release the voter is using?
goc3 2025년 1월 30일
Whichever version the user is using is ok. I presume that the majority of responses will be for 24b since 25a is still under pre-release. The point of the poll is to get a general feel for how users think about this point.
Based on an analysis by @Steve Eddins (see comments on this thread), the larger default figure size in 25a and the lack of change to the default axes units means that default margins are larger in 25a.
Christian Schröder
Christian Schröder 2025년 1월 30일
Just right on the generous side.
Member of the Community Advisory Board since its inception | MATLAB enthusiast | Code optimizer | Software tester | Materials scientist / mechanical engineer by deg...


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