How can I plot a bode diagram with random color?
조회 수: 25 (최근 30일)
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What should I add to this code to have a random color?
sys=tf(1,[1 1])
댓글 수: 1
Paulo Silva
2011년 6월 21일
Please always provide detailed questions so we can help you better and faster
채택된 답변
Paulo Silva
2011년 6월 21일
Another strange question from sadel, I never seen someone doing so many strange things but it's all good, here's a variation from Chirag Gupta code:
sys=tf(1,[1 1]);
ColList='ymcrgbk'; %no w letter because you won't see the white line
col=randi([1 7]);
댓글 수: 10
Paulo Silva
2011년 6월 21일
function testbode
pbh = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','pushbutton','String','Add another',...
'Position',[10 20 60 40],...
hold all
function newbode(obj,event)
hold all
[a b] = strread(sysn, '%s %s', 'delimiter',char(10))
set(sys,'Name',[num char(10) linesep char(10) den])
추가 답변 (4개)
Chirag Gupta
2011년 6월 21일
colors =['r','b','g','y','m','k'];
c = ceil(6*(rand))
This will pseudo randomly choose one of the 6 colors. You can obviously add more colors to the list!
댓글 수: 1
Chirag Gupta
2011년 6월 21일
MATLAB figures default to a particular color. Unless you change that setting or change the colors via code, you will get the same color.
Walter Roberson
2011년 6월 21일
Provided that your systems are not MIMO,
sys=tf(1,[1 1]);
h = bodeplot(sys); %notice this is _not_ bode()
for L = findobj(h,'type','line')
set(L,'Color', rand(1,3));
Note: this does not attempt to match colors between the frequency and phase components. You did ask for random color...
I do not have the appropriate toolbox to probe to determine what would be needed to use the same color between the two halves when multiple systems are being drawn on the same plot, or when bode() is used to draw an array of bode plots for a MIMO system.
댓글 수: 4
Walter Roberson
2011년 6월 21일
If you cannot have similar or duplicate colors, then the colors have not been chosen at random as requires by the original question ;-)
2013년 5월 2일
Here is a solution for giving bode plots a different color than and then 'ymcrgbk' and subsequently saving the figure without unwanted changes to the legend.
sys1=tf(1,[1 1]); sys2=tf(1,[1 1 1]);
figure; hold on;
bode(sys1,'b'); bode(sys2,'r');
h1 = findobj(gcf,'Color','b','-and','linestyle','-'); set(h1,'linewidth',1,'color',[.9 .9 .9]);
h2 = findobj(gcf,'Color','r','-and','linestyle','-'); set(h2,'linewidth',2,'color',[.5 .5 .5]);
legend([h1(1) h2(1)],'system 1','system 2')
It is important to assign the first term of the handle (e.g. h1(1)) in order to avoid issues with matrix dimentions (horzcat)
댓글 수: 0
Chirag Gupta
2011년 6월 21일
You can always write some code to pick a random color from a set of colors that you would like
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