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Text box (auto) size for proportional fonts

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Charles 2011년 6월 13일
I'm developing a GUI with plots that need annotations. I've been using the Static Text uicontrol and specifying its size and position like this:
position = [xpos ypos width height];
This places the text correctly, but since the font is proportional, sometimes my sizing heuristic (# chars * 1.3) fails.
If the box were to auto-size I'd be home free, but I see no way to do that. The only other alternative is to compute the width from a font table containing widths of all letters. But that's reinventing the wheel, and badly, since the information must be in Matlab already...

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 6월 13일
After you set() the String as desired, get() the Extent property: the third element of that tells you the width that would be required to display the entire string. You can adjust your Position based upon that.

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