How to stop the pendulum movement?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
ryunosuke tazawa
ryunosuke tazawa 2021년 7월 16일
답변: Sahaj 2023년 7월 10일
I am making program that pendulum throwing ball. But pendlum can not stop just one lap.
So I want to stop processing when the simple pendulum makes one lap. Please help me.
clear all;
close all;
%% 各変数(単振り子)
b = 0.05; % 減衰係数
g = 9.81; % 重力加速度
l = 1.0; % 振り子の長さ
m = 1.0; % 質量
Trq = 8; % 乱数にしてaction
theta_0 = [0; 0]; % 初期状態 2.25 45度
t_span = linspace(0,11,1500); % ステップ数sim size
%% 運動方程式を解く
[t, result] = ode45(@(t,theta) ode_func(t, theta, b, g,l,m,Trq),t_span,theta_0);
% result(i ,1)= theta, result(i,2)=w
theta =result(:,1); % 角度
w = result(:,2); % 角速度
rad_theta = result(:,1)*180/pi; % ラジアンに変換
%% 強化学習
RewardFunc = @(theta,w)(-(abs(theta)).^2 + -0.25*(abs(w)).^2); % 報酬関数
learnRate = 0.99; % 学習率
epsilon = 0.5; % ε
epsilonDecay = 0.98; % εの減衰係数
discount = 0.9; % 時間割引率    
successRate = 1; % 成功率
winBounds = 100; % 単振り子が目的の状態になった時の報酬
startPt = [0; 0]; % 振り子の初期位置,垂直下から開始
maxEpi = 2000; % 最大試行回数
maxit = 15000; % 1試行の反復回数
substeps = 2; % 物理的なステップ数
dt = 0.05; % シミュレーション時間
%% トルク条件(Action)
Trq = randi([0 20],1,1); % 0~5の整数を1行1列生成 トルクの値
actions = [-Trq, Trq]; % 与えるトルクの向き,右,左または0
%% 観測する状態 状態の更新
states = zeros(length(theta)*length(w),2); % 状態 thetaとw
index = 1;
for j=1:length(theta)
for n = 1:length(w) % states(theta,w)に変換
states(index,1)=theta(j); % 角度をstatesに入れる
states(index,2)=w(n); % 角速度をstatesに入れる
%% 報酬関数とQ関数にstates(theta,w)を入れる
R = RewardFunc(states(:,1),states(:,2)); % 報酬関数に角度,角速度を代入
Q = repmat(R,[1,3]); % Q関数に代入, Rを水平に3つ重ねる
%% 最大価値関数
V = zeros(size(states,1),1); % 価値関数の初期値
% 最大価値関数 length(x2)×length(x1)の配列に変更, Qの最大値,2はdim
Voring = reshape(max(Q,[],2),[length(w),length(theta)]);
if theta > -1.25
k = 1;
for i=1:length(result(:,1))
%% 振り子の描画 ボールの距離の描画
x0 = 0;
y0 =0;
x1 = 1*sin(result(i,1));
y1 = -1*cos(result(i,1));
ball_v0 = abs(result(i,2));
ball_x0 = x1;
ball_y0 = y1;
ball_time = sqrt(2*abs(ball_y0)/g);
ball_reach = x1 + ball_v0 * ball_time;
if ball_reach > 0
J = linspace(1,100);
xlim([0 1000])
ylim([0 10])
grid on
hold on
plot([-1 1],[0 0],'linewidth',2,'color','k');
hold on;
line([x0 x1],[y0 y1],'color','b','linewidth',1.5);
plot(x1, y1,'-o','markers',20,'markerfacecolor','m');
grid on;
title('Motion of Pendulum')
axis([-2 2 -2 2])
axis equal
hold off
M(k) = getframe(gcf);
k = k+1;
videofile = VideoWriter('pendulum_motion.mp4', 'MPEG-4');
  댓글 수: 1
Abhishek 2023년 7월 4일
Can you please give more info for ode45 function?

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

답변 (1개)

Sahaj 2023년 7월 10일
Hi, you can add the following lines of code to after the ode45 function, so that the result, t, theta, and w vectors contain data for only one lap.
% Find the indices where the pendulum completes one lap
lapIndices = find(result(:, 1) < 0 & [0; diff(result(:, 1))] >= 0);
% Extract the data for one lap
if ~isempty(lapIndices)
result = result(1:lapIndices(1), :);
t = t(1:lapIndices(1));
Hope this helps.


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