Matlab AppData Folder making problems after renaming User and Path because of problems with an apostrophe

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Hello dear community,
i am facing a problem and i can´t find a solution to it.
My name has an apostrophe ó. Years ago, when i got my Laptop i did not know, that this coud create problems so i named it with the apostrophe. Because i was experiencing problems with the Matlab Support Package for LEGO EV3 while building i changed the User name and also all Paths within C://.
I uninstalled Matlab and all Packages and reinstalled it with the new username and renamed paths.
But when i try to bild Matlab creates a new user with the Apostrophe and in there there are several folders -> User -> AppData -> Roaming -> MathwWorks -> Matlab -> R2021a -> LightweightBrowser -> jcef_cache -> and then a couple of files and more folders.
Because of this i think i get an error message as follows, when i try to run the software in external mode:
Created: ../Gyrosensor_test" "### Successfully generated all binary outputs." ### Downloading the application to EV3 ... ### Successful completion of build procedure for: Gyrosensor_test ### Simulink cache artifacts for 'Gyrosensor_test' were created in 'C:\Users\Gyrosensor_test.slxc'.
Build process completed successfully
Build Summary
Elapsed: 0.30 sec
Top model targets built: Model Action Rebuild Reason ================================================================================================ Gyrosensor_test Code generated and compiled Code generation information file does not exist. 1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 1m 13.795s
Saving external mode simulation output as a single object is not supported because the workspace variable 'out' is not created during model code execution. To suppress the warning, set 'ReturnWorkspaceOutputs' to 'off'.
Component: Simulink | Category: Model warning
External Mode Open Protocol CheckData command failed
Caused by:
  • Multiple errors detected.
  • XCP Master internal error: Busy(0) or no timeout(2) for 252
  • Error detected while trying to disconnect Simulink from target application.
  • Error returned by XCP master: XCP Master internal error: No slave connected
Does someone have a solution to this problem and could it be possible, that it is because of the folder that i mentioned?
I have been getting a Dwarf parse error too...
Greetings Ramón

답변 (1개)

Adeba 2024년 3월 16일
% Numerical Solution of ordinary Differential Equations
% Proogram for Euler's Method
% N.V.Patil
Clear all;
close all;
f=input('/n input Function (dR/dt)= ');
t0=input('/n enter initial value of t(t0)=');
R0= input ('/n enter initial value of R(R0)=');
h= input('/n enter steps(h)=');
tg=input('/n enter final value of t(tg)=');
For i=1:n
t0= t0+h;
fprintf('/n Rg=%f',Rg);


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