How to concatenate the results of each iteration of a 'for' to create a final concatenated vector?

조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
I don't know if the title explained the objective of the question very well, however, the objective is to go concatenating each result of each iteration of my 'for' into a vector, which at the end will have 100 concatenations (a big vector).
My code uses the 'sum' function to scan each image (there are a total of 100 images and each one must be processed. Therefore, the for has 100 iterations) (I didn’t put the part of the code on reading each image and filtering them because it’s not the goal) of a flow containing bubbles as well as in the attached image. After the sum, i created a code to show the contours of the bubbles (1 to 1080 (image height)).
I tried in several ways to concatenate the results of the 'for' into an empty vector created in the first line of the code to add the results, however, without success. My question is how to concatenate the leftT vectors of each image into a single final vector.
empty = [];
for p = 1:100
scanning = sum(image, 2);
for i = 1:1080
if scanning(i)~=0
start = find(image(i,:),1,'first');
leftT = left.';
% I tried this, however, it didn't work:
% concatenated = [empty; leftT];
Any idea how i could do this?
Thanks in advance!
  댓글 수: 2
Stephen23 2021년 3월 29일
Original question by Jórdan Venâncio Leite on 23rd March 2021 retrieved from Google Cache:
How to concatenate the results of each iteration of a 'for' to create a final concatenated vector?
I don't know if the title explained the objective of the question very well, however, the objective is to go concatenating each result of each iteration of my 'for' into a vector, which at the end will have 100 concatenations (a big vector).
My code uses the 'sum' function to scan each image (there are a total of 100 images and each one must be processed. Therefore, the for has 100 iterations) (I didn’t put the part of the code on reading each image and filtering them because it’s not the goal) of a flow containing bubbles as well as in the attached image. After the sum, i created a code to show the contours of the bubbles (1 to 1080 (image height)).
I tried in several ways to concatenate the results of the 'for' into an empty vector created in the first line of the code to add the results, however, without success. My question is how to concatenate the leftT vectors of each image into a single final vector.
empty = [];
for p = 1:100
scanning = sum(image, 2);
for i = 1:1080
if scanning(i)~=0
start = find(image(i,:),1,'first');
leftT = left.';
% I tried this, however, it didn't work:
% concatenated = [empty; leftT];
Any idea how i could do this?
Thanks in advance!

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답변 (2개)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2021년 3월 23일
One option (that does not vary much from the posted code):
x{1} = [1 2 3 4 5];
x{2} = [6 7 8 9 10];
x{3} = [11 12 13 14 15];
concatenatedVector = cat(2,x{:})
concatenatedVector =
Columns 1 through 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Column 15
Other options are also available, depending on how the vector was created, and how it exists in its workspace.
  댓글 수: 8
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 3월 25일
I did what I could, but those image files simply do not exist on my system, and it would be very unlikely that they would be in the matlabroot bin directory, which is only for the executables for MATLAB (might have an icon file or two, but no test data.) Are you sure the files are located there? If so which toolbox installed them?
for p = 1:3
pngarchivesname = sprintf('%d.png', p);
dinfo = dir(fullfile(matlabroot, '**', pngarchivesname));
if isempty(dinfo)
warning('No %s', pngarchivesname);
found_one = false;
for K = 1 : length(dinfo)
completenamearchive = fullfile(dinfo(K).folder, dinfo(K).name);
image = imread(completenamearchive);
if size(image,1) < 650 || size(image,2) < 128
found_one = true;
if ~found_one
warning('did not find any %s that were large enough', pngarchivesname);
fprintf('Yah! found %s\n', completenamarchive);
cropped = imcrop(image,[526.148 0 682.7 1080]);
if ndims(cropped) > 2
gray = rgb2gray(cropped);
gray = cropped;
threhsold = im2bw(gray, 0.7);
remove = bwareaopen(threhsold,3500);
se = strel('line',410,0);
closing = imclose(remove,se);
originalline = closing(1 , :);
originalline2 = closing(end , :);
closing(1, :) = true;
closing(end, :) = true;
filtered = imfill(closing, 'holes');
closing(end,:) = false;
closing(1,:) = false;
filtered(1, :) = originalline;
filtered(end, :) = originalline2;
scanning = sum(filtered, 2);
for i = 1:1080
if scanning(i)~=0
start = find(filtered(i,:),1,'first');
leftT = left.';
ConcatenatedVector = cat(1,leftT{:});
Stephen23 2021년 3월 25일
편집: Stephen23 2021년 3월 25일
"Images must be in the "bin" directory."
Do NOT save data files to the BIN directory.
Do NOT save (or change) files to the installation directories of any application!
To start with, you should save data files somewhere under your user directory, for example in the default MATLAB startup folder (which happens to be exactly how MW Windows and MATLAB are designed to be used).
Apparently recent version of MS Windows protect the installation folders, hopefully that will go some way to preventing users placing image files in the BIN directrory.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 3월 25일
If the idea is to find the first non-zero element in each row, then you can vectorize
firsts = sum(cumprod(image == 0, 2),2)+1;
This code returns 1 more than the number of columns for the rows in which there are no non-zero values.
You can store this vector of results as columns, one column for each image, and then you can reshape() to get a single vector of locations, if that is what you want.


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