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What is the problem for the following code?
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
clc; clear all; close all;
fprintf('\n*** Interpolation by Newtons Forward Difference Formula *'); fprintf('\n************************************************************'); n = input('\nEnter number of data points = '); h = input('\nEnter step size (h) = ') x(1) = input('\nx0 = '); y(1) = input('y0 = '); for i=2:n x(i)=x(i-1)+h; fprintf('\nX%d = %f',i,x(i)); fprintf('\t\tY%d: ',i); y(i) = input(''); end x_reqd = input('\nEnter X for which value of Y is sought: '); s=(x_reqd-x(1))/h; for i=1:n diff(i,1)=y(i); end %% Calculate Forward Differance Table for j=2:n for i=1:n-j+1 diff(i,j)=diff(i+1,j-1)-diff(i,j-1); end end fprintf('\n\t Forward Differance Table');
%% Print Forward Differance Table offset=1; for i=0:n*2-2 index=floor(i/2); fprintf("\t\t") if mod(i,2)==0 fprintf('\n %.6f',x(index+offset)); end if n>i j_max=i else j_max=n*2-i-1 end
for j=0:j_max
if mod(i,2)==mod(j,2)
댓글 수: 0
답변 (1개)
Walter Roberson
2020년 11월 27일
h = input('\nEnter step size (h) = ') x(1) = input('\nx0 = ');
You need a comma or a semi-colon between those two commands.
Better yet would be to format your code with one command per line. Whitespace is free, but the cost of a human trying to figure out what your run-on code does is not free.
댓글 수: 5
Walter Roberson
2020년 11월 27일
Walter Roberson
2020년 11월 27일
By the way, my belief is that the original C code had bugs.
Difficult to be sure, though, due to the lack of documentation... it is always possible that it had strange design requirements and was manually optimized to fit those requirements, and so only looks like it has mistake piled on mistake.
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