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how do you find solutions of this marix equation using matlab 2019

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Thato Kehitlhile
Thato Kehitlhile 2020년 2월 25일
답변: Rik 2020년 2월 25일
how to find solutions of this matrix using matlab 2019.
Ax = b
A = [3.8 -7.8;8.4 -16.8;-12.9 -41.4]
b = [1.3;2.8;-4.3]

채택된 답변

Rik 2020년 2월 25일
Let's first do some algebra, and then solve it with a oneliner:
Ax = b
A\Ax = A\b (A\A = 1)
x = A\b
A = [3.8 -7.8;8.4 -16.8;-12.9 -41.4];
b = [1.3;2.8;-4.3];

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