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One-dimensional longitudinal dispersion model

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Ismail KARAOUI 2019년 2월 15일
댓글: Josh Meyer 2019년 3월 2일
Hello everyone
I would like to simulate water quality in a river.
and I want to program and solve this equation (attached file) only in 1D.(where C is the concentration that im looking for, Dx, Vx,K,Sinterne are constantes that I can calculate them using simple equations)
Im a geologiste so I have a limited knowledge of maths.
As I read before, this equation can be solve in Matlab using PDE solver (https://fr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/pdepe.html).
Can you please give me some advices about how I can make this simulation?
Best regards modele 1D.JPG
  댓글 수: 1
Josh Meyer
Josh Meyer 2019년 3월 2일
You forgot to attach the file. You will need initial and boundary conditions to solve the equation.

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