Want to replace for loop with something faster

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Raj Tailor
Raj Tailor 2018년 12월 23일
편집: per isakson 2018년 12월 27일
Hello Everyone,
I am working on a script where I have to read the information from the mysql database, process it, compare it with another information and print the output.
The events information is stored in mysql database table, which I have to read and process, table contains 19000 entires.
As of now I tried using for loop to read the information from the mysql table but this process take approx 3 to 4 minutes.
Also came across the datastore function in matlab, but unable to store such a huge information there.
Could you please guide and advise me on, how I can reduce the execution time and avoid using for loop?
My table looks like this, this are just 10 entries for example, there are 19000 in total
id titel titel_en url type type_wanted startdate enddate wer werurl ort referent info notice notice_en format comment uid name mail log uniteil fakultaet presseurl jubel homepage homepage_en prio lang
__ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________________________________ ____ ___________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ______ _______ ___ ___________ ________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ _________ _________ _____ ________ ___________ ____ ____
1 'Durch Kundenkommunikation Marktführerschaft erreichen' '' '' 2 0 '1998-06-24 18:30:00' '1998-06-24 20:00:00' 'MTP' '' 'Reichenhainer Straße 70/ B102' 'Mettler Toledo' '' '' '' 2 '' '' 'F.Richter' 'fri@hrz' '' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
2 'DDR-Außenpolitik' '' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/politik/veranst.htm' 2 0 '1998-06-24 10:45:00' '1998-06-24 12:15:00' 'Philosophische Fakultät, Politikwissenschaft, Internationale Politik' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/politik/index.html' 'Uni-Teil 3, Reichenhainer Straße 70, Hörsaal B 3' 'Dr. Benno Siebs, Universität München' '' 'Strukturen und Schwerpunkte der DDR-Außenpolitik in der Ära Honecker.' '' 2 '' '' 'F.R.' 'fri@hrz' '' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
3 'Vortragsreihe "Medizin im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft": Persönlichkeit in der Normalität und Abnormalität - Verrücktheit als Spielball des Alltäglichen' '' '' 2 0 '1998-06-24 19:30:00' '1998-06-24 21:00:00' 'Gemeinsames Kolloquium von TU Chemnitz und Klinikum Chemnitz' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/index.html' 'Uni-Teil 1, Straße der Nationen 62, Hörsaal 201' 'OA Dr. med. Frank Postrach, Nervenklinik des Klinikums Chemnitz' 'Dipl.-Ing. Mario Steinebach, Tel. 5 31-14 24' '' '' 2 '' '' 'F.R.' 'fri@hrz' '' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
4 'UNIX-Stammtisch in Sachsen: URS - ein erweiterter URL ? ' '' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/urz/stammtisch/' 5 0 '1998-06-30 17:30:00' '1998-06-30 21:00:00' 'URZ' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/urz/' 'Mensa StraNa' 'Bernd-Michael Paschke (bmp.de Informationssysteme Berlin)' '' '' '' 2 '' '' 'F.R.' 'fri@hrz' '26.06.1998 12:07 fri@stipe.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de↵26.06.1998 13:11 fri@stipe.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de↵26.06.1998 13:12 fri@stipe.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de↵' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
5 'Physikalisches Kolloquium: "Symmetrien und Symmetriebruch in den Naturwissenschaften"' '' '' 1 0 '1998-07-08 16:30:00' '1998-07-08 16:30:00' 'Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Institut für Physik' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/physik/' 'Uni-Teil 3, Reichenhainer Straße 70, Hörsaal 3' 'Prof. Dr. Henning Genz, Universität Karlsruhe' 'Prof. Dr. Peter Häußler, Tel. 5 31-31 40' '' '' 2 '' '' 'F.R.' 'fri@hrz' '' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
6 'Frauenringvorlesung "Männerkörper - Frauenkörper": "Körperstrategien im Leistungssport" ' '' '' 2 0 '1998-07-01 18:30:00' '1998-07-01 18:30:00' ' Philosophische Fakultät, Fachgebiet Germanistik' '' 'Uni-Teil 1, Straße der Nationen 62, Raum 375' 'Dr. Gabriele Sobiech, Münster' 'Dr. Margarete Hubrath,Tel. 5 31-29 26' '' '' 2 '' '' 'F.R.' 'fri@hrz' '' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
7 'Vortragsreihe "Rasse und Politik in den Vereinigten Staaten"' '' '' 2 0 '1998-06-30 19:30:00' '1998-06-30 19:30:00' 'Philosophische Fakultät' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/' 'Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße 43, Raum 206' '' '' 'Der US-Historiker Prof. Dr. Clarence Taylor spricht am zum Thema "African-American Religion and Its Political Significance". Der Vortrag ist in Englisch.' '' 2 '' '' 'fri' 'fri@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de' '' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
8 'Collision Processes at ultralow temperatures' '' 'http://www.asu.edu/clas/chemistry/' 2 0 '1998-06-26 13:00:00' '1998-06-26 14:30:00' 'Innovationskolleg "Methoden und Materialsysteme für den Nanometerbereich"' 'http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/physik/INK/ink.htm' 'Uni-Teil 3, Reichenhainer Straße 70, Hörsaal 3' 'Prof. M. A. Smith (Dep. of Chemestry, University of Arizona)' 'Prof. Hietschold; hietschold@physik.tu-chemnitz.de' '' '' 2 '' '' 'F.R.' 'fri@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de' '26.06.1998 13:41 fri@stipe.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de↵' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
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10 'Strukturwandel durch Globalisierung' '' '' 2 0 '1998-07-07 16:30:00' '1998-07-07 16:30:00' ' Elektrotechnisches Institut' '' 'Uni-Teil 3, Reichenhainer Straße 70, Hörsaal 3' 'Dr. Brian Rampp, SIEMENS / München' '' '' '' 2 '' '' 'fri' 'fri@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de' '03.07.1998 08:23 fri@stipe.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de↵' '' '' '' 0 0 0 0 'de'
  댓글 수: 5
per isakson
per isakson 2018년 12월 25일
편집: per isakson 2018년 12월 27일
I assume the calls to MySQL is the bottle-neck. The solution would be to use SQL to create the entire table and return it to Matlab in one call. Or did I miss how your code works?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018년 12월 27일
80 MB is not that large, even assuming you have only 4 or 8 GB of RAM. I assume your 256 GB is your drive. Is it an SSD or a HD? An SSD would be a lot faster.
The for loop itself is not the problem. I recently did a test for another poster and found out I could do one hundred million iterations in only 0.09 seconds. So I think it's the databse calls or memory swapping or something else that's causing the slowdown, not the for loop itself.

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