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Expression 'Ts_Control' for sample time of chart 'MPPT Control ' did not evaluate.

조회 수: 22 (최근 30일)
LMS Solution
LMS Solution 2018년 11월 29일
댓글: Muhammad 2022년 12월 4일
Expression 'Ts_Control' for sample time of chart 'MPPT Control ' did not evaluate.
how can i solve this
how to define this Ts_control in command window
  댓글 수: 4
ximan huang
ximan huang 2022년 5월 29일
Hello, I don't quite understand what you mean. Where can I change it?
Muhammad 2022년 12월 4일
This problem occurs when you have written MPPT code in Simulink. Try to change the name of the MPPT code function or either right click on Simulink window>Navigate to Sample Time Display>Colors. Hopefully it will work.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

답변 (1개)

NING XUE 2020년 1월 2일
Expression 'Ts_Control' for sample time of chart '1 ' did not evaluate.
I also have the question, how to slove this? thank you


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