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I want to plot multiple graphs in a single plot with some space between each signal

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
I want to plot multiple graphs in a single plot with some space between each signal
  댓글 수: 7
jonas 2018년 9월 14일
I mean, the figure you uploaded is literally taken from the doc on stackedplot, so try it :)

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답변 (1개)

KSSV 2018년 9월 14일
How about adding some number to the y values and plotting?
A = rand(10,10) ;
hold on
x = 1:10 ;
for i = 1:10
  댓글 수: 6
sandhya sandhya
sandhya sandhya 2018년 9월 15일
I attached my mat files and i want to plot all these mat signals in a single plot(like the plot in your previous comment)and i think we should reduce the amplitude of the signals also.

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