Remplaced battery with supercapacitors

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
said belhadj
said belhadj 2018년 4월 4일
답변: Qian Xun 2019년 7월 14일
Hi, i have a simulink model from matlab 2016a. I like to remplaced battery from a bloc of supercapacitors. I need help. Thanks.

답변 (2개)

said belhadj
said belhadj 2018년 4월 5일
I have modeling pmsm and his converter . It is alimented from fuel cell. The fc is connected with dc-dc converter . I need connected the sc directely with dc dc bus. My problem is the parameters of sc. Cordialy.

Qian Xun
Qian Xun 2019년 7월 14일
Have you solved your problems? I could help since I will do the same thing as you. I would prefer to discuss with you if you wish, my email is


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