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Hello i have a problem with my S function the erroe is :'Error using PMSMMainprog (line 52) State derivatives returned by S-function 'PMSMach' in 'PMSMpanel/Induction machine/S-Function' during flag=1 call must be a real vector of length 4' this is m

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hello i have a problem with my S function the erroe is :'Error using PMSMMainprog (line 52) State derivatives returned by S-function 'PMSMach' in 'PMSMpanel/Induction machine/S-Function' during flag=1 call must be a real vector of length 4' this is my code: function [sys,x0,str,ts] =PMSMach(t,x,u,flag,Rs,Lsd,Lsq,fluxm,np,J,B,xi) %CSFUNC An example M-file S-function for defining a continuous system. % Example M-file S-function implementing continuous equations: % x' = Ax + Bu % y = Cx + Du % See sfuntmpl.m for a general S-function template. switch flag,
% Initialization %
case 0,
% Derivatives %
case 1,
% Outputs %
case 3,
% Unhandled flags %
case { 2, 4, 9 },
sys = [];
% Unexpected flags %
error(['Unhandled flag = ',num2str(flag)]);
% end csfunc
% mdlInitializeSizes
% Return the sizes, initial conditions, and sample times for the S-function.
function [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes(t,x,u,flag,Rs,Lsd,Lsq,fluxm,np,J,B,xi)
sizes = simsizes; sizes.NumContStates = 4; sizes.NumDiscStates = 0; sizes.NumOutputs = 6; sizes.NumInputs = 3; sizes.DirFeedthrough = 0; sizes.NumSampleTimes = 1;
sys = simsizes(sizes); x0 = xi; str = []; ts = [0 0]; % end mdlInitializeSizes % %============================================================================= % mdlDerivatives % Return the derivatives for the continuous states. %============================================================================= % function sys=mdlDerivatives(t,x,u,flag,Rs,Lsd,Lsq,fluxm,np,J,B,xi)
%state variables: isd=x(1); isq=x(2); wr=x(3); theta=x(4);
% input signals: usd=u(1); usq=u(2); TL_extra=u(3);
Tem=((3*np*fluxm*isq)/2); Ter=((3*np*(Lsd-Lsq)*isd*isq)/2); Te=(3/2)*np*((fluxm*isq)+(Lsd-Lsq)*isd*isq); TL=B*(wr/np)+TL_extra;
sys(1)=((usd+(wr*Lsq*isq)-(Rs*isd))/Lsd); sys(2)=((usq-(wr*fluxm)-(wr*Lsd*isd)-(Rs*isq))/Lsq); sys(3)=((np/J)*(Te-TL)); sys(4)=wr;
% end mdlDerivatives % %============================================================================= % mdlOutputs % Return the block outputs. %============================================================================= % function sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u,flag,Rs,Lsd,Lsq,fluxm,np,J,B,xi)
isd=x(1); isq=x(2); wr=x(3); theta=x(4);
Tem=((3*np*fluxm*isq)/2); Ter=((3*np*(Lsd-Lsq)*isd*isq)/2); Te=Tem+Ter;
sys = [isd,isq,Tem,Ter,wr/np,theta/np]; % end mdlOutputs i do not know what the problem is can you please help me

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