How do i find a value of a variable in simulink?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
ck12345 2016년 5월 19일
댓글: ck12345 2016년 5월 20일
Im trying to understand an existing model in Simulink.
In this model there is a variable called "Rr" specifying the gain in a gain element. How do I find the value of Rr? And is there a way to find the precedents and dependents of Rr (like in Excel)?

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Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro 2016년 5월 19일
If you're using one of the few latest versions, the easiest thing to do is to open up that Gain block's parameters and right-click the text box where Rr is entered. This will give you two options to "open" or "explore" the variable.
This option is smart enough to figure out the location of the variable, which could be the base workspace, model workspace, a data dictionary, or a local variable in a masked subsystem.
If you don't have that option because you're on an older version, you can try right-clicking the Gain block and selecting "Find Referenced Variables" from the context menu. This will, for the most part, be equivalent to selecting that "explore" option; it will also open the Model Explorer.
- Sebastian

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