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how to load .mat in GUI every time the GUI runs and the GUI connect to simulink model

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Dear everyone..
i have .mat file that contain so many variable, for example Alphabet.mat contains variable a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4.....
i want to load Alphabet.mat every time i run my GUI program that contain simulink model, and also the variables inside alphabet.mat are used in simulink model...
i have tried load alphabet.mat, uigetfile still cannot any suggestion??

채택된 답변

C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris 2012년 1월 11일
You call add a call to load('alphabet.mat') within the Simulink model's InitFcn callback if the parameters are only needed by the Simulink model.
From within your Simulink model see:
File->Model Properies->Callbacks
  댓글 수: 9
C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris 2012년 1월 12일

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