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How do I export AUTOSAR elements in generated ASAP2/a2l files from Simulink?

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)

Is there a way to configure my AUTOSAR elements to be included in ASAP2/A2L file generated from Simulink without relying on external tool to generate the ASAP2 for AUTOSAR elements from ARXML?

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MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2024년 8월 8일
Starting MATLAB release R2022b, there is an option to specify inclusion of AUTOSAR RTE elements automatically in the generated ASAP2/A2L file from Simulink. This can be done by enabling 'include AUTOSAR RTE elements' option in General Calibration Files tool or by specifying this property as Name-Value pair for coder.asap2.export() as shown below:
>> coder.asap2.export('modelName', IncludeAutosarRteElements=true);
For more information, please refer the below documentation: 

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