World magnetic model frame of reference??

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Christopher Teale
Christopher Teale 2024년 8월 6일
편집: Kunal Kandhari 2024년 8월 7일
I am using the world magnetic model function wrldmagm as part of a scrip, but the help page that describes the function provides no information about the reference frame used for the magnetic vector. The simulink block seems to use North-East-Down, would it be safe to assume that the script function does the same?

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Kunal Kandhari
Kunal Kandhari 2024년 8월 6일
편집: Kunal Kandhari 2024년 8월 7일
The XYZ — Magnetic field vector stand for North-East-Down whcih can be confimed from the Visualize World Magnetic Model Contours for 2020 Epoch example where it is mentioned that, they have used the 'wrldmagm' function where
  • X - North component of magnetic field vector in nanotesla (nT)
  • Y - East component of magnetic field vector in nanotesla (nT)
  • Z - Down component of magnetic field vector in nanotesla (nT)
I hope it clears your query.

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