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Using a curve to contrutct a geometry for a model in pde toolbox

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes 2024년 1월 12일
댓글: Geovane Gomes 2024년 1월 13일
Dear all,
How could I consctruct a geometry using a curve (x-y coordinates) for a model in the pde toolbox?
For example if I have a wing section, is it possible to 'extrude' it and transform the solid in a geometry for a model?
  댓글 수: 2
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2024년 1월 12일
If all you will do is extrude it, thus extend it in the perpendicular direction, then you should not do so. Instead, reduce the problem, since all derivatives in that cross direction should be zero. (Look for the terms plane stress and plane strain. You should have learned about them in your studies.) This is a common practice in engineering, thus converting a 3-dimensional problem to a problem in only 2 dimensions.
Is that correct here? Probably not, since you don't really want to simply extrude it in that direction, but make a profile that will change with Z, thus the third dimension.
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes 2024년 1월 13일
John, thanks for your answer.
And how could I create a 2d geometry from the x-y coordinates?

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