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Labelling Curves on a Graph, This code worked a decade ago, but will not work in 2023a

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
This code worked fine a decade ago, but will not work in 2023a
X = [0 1100 1600 2400 2400 2800 3400 3800];
Y = fliplr(X);
hold on
C(1, 1) = 100; % data value to plot on the line
C(2, 1) = length(X); % number of data points
C(1, 2 : length(X)+1) = X; % x data points for the line
C(2, 2 : length(X)+1) = Y; % y data points for the line
h_b = plot(X, Y, '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
clabel(C, h_b, 'LabelSpacing', 1000)
It now results in
"Error using clabel
Not enough contour handles."
and it worked fine. It made a graph similar to:
Now the clabel command errors and I can't figure out how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2024년 1월 6일
Looking at the current clabel documentation, the second argument to it has to be the second output of the contour call. It is likely looking for information in ‘h_b’ that does not exist because it is a plot handle and not a contour handle. (MATLAB has changed significantly in the past decade.)
  댓글 수: 4
Craig 2024년 1월 7일
That looks like it will work, Thanks for your help!

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