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Drop-down boxes and right-click menu don't work on the new Matlab desktop on linux.

조회 수: 44 (최근 30일)
Fedora Linux 38 (Workstation Edition) running a container with Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS to install Matlab. The container is run with Distrobox via podman.
When I installed the beta theme to try the new dark mode, drop-down boxes stopped working. I can open the drop-down box, and it will highlight the option I mouse over. When I click an option, it closes the drop-down box without selecting an option. Also keyboard inputs cannot change the option selected or highlighted. I found this bug in both the settings menu of Matlab and the menu for the scope block in Simulink. (meaning no dark mode :=|) The right-click context menu fails in the same way.
No warning messages are displayed in the command window.
Any ideas for how to fix?

답변 (1개)

Shuba Nandini
Shuba Nandini 2023년 8월 30일
편집: Shuba Nandini 2023년 8월 30일
I understand you are facing an issue with drop-down box and right-click context menu. I have brought this issue to the notice of our developers. They will investigate this matter further.
As a Temporary workaround, you might need to avoid using the dark theme and switch back to the default theme.
You can refer to the below thread to know more about other Workarounds:
I hope this helps!
Shuba Nandini


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