Gene enrichment analysis pipeline to analyze RNA-seq data?

조회 수: 25 (최근 30일)
Guy Nir
Guy Nir 2023년 7월 12일
댓글: Wenhui Qiao 2024년 2월 2일
Does matlab have a pipeline for gene enrichment analysis? That is, I have a list of differentially expressed genes, which I would like to analyze with the typical startegy (e.g, GO, KEGG, etc.)
  댓글 수: 3
Guy Nir
Guy Nir 2023년 7월 12일
Thanks, I'll try it out.
Niranjan Sundararajan
Niranjan Sundararajan 2023년 7월 12일
I would appreciate a thumbs up, if you found my answer helpful. Thanks!

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채택된 답변

Anshuman 2023년 8월 8일
Yes, MATLAB provides tools and resources for gene enrichment analysis, allowing you to analyze lists of differentially expressed genes using various gene ontology (GO) and pathway databases such as KEGG, Reactome, and others.
  1. Prepare your list of differentially expressed genes, typically represented by gene symbols or identifiers.
  2. Use MATLAB's Bioinformatics Toolbox, which provides functions for accessing and retrieving gene ontology and pathway databases. For example, you can use the 'getGenes' function to retrieve gene information based on gene symbols or identifiers.
  3. Utilize external resources or databases for performing gene enrichment analysis. There are several popular tools and databases available, such as DAVID, Enrichr, and clusterProfiler, which offer web-based interfaces or APIs for gene enrichment analysis.
  4. You can use MATLAB's web services capabilities, such as the 'webread' function, to interact with web-based tools or APIs and retrieve the results of gene enrichment analysis.
  5. Analyze and interpret the results obtained from gene enrichment analysis using MATLAB's data analysis and visualization capabilities.
Hope it helps!
  댓글 수: 2
Guy Nir
Guy Nir 2023년 8월 8일
Thank you. This is along the lines of what I have been doing. Sometimes MATLAB has useful documentation with examples and entire pipelines and I feel what they have for gene enrichment analysis is a bit underwhelming.
Wenhui Qiao
Wenhui Qiao 2024년 2월 2일
An example to conduct 2-5 would be appreciated a lot!

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