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simulink model from matrix

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Tomas Iesmantas
Tomas Iesmantas 2011년 2월 22일
Hy, Maybe some of you encountered a problem, when you need to build automaticaly a simulink model just from matrix, where elements (0,1,-1) shows how elements (their type also privided in other file) are connected between each other. E.g.modelling air pressure drop in air compresor, filter and dryer which are connected in serial way (compressor->filter->dryer), connection matrix is [0,-1,0; 1,0,-1; 0,1,0]. Is there any posibility just to feed matlab (throuth some m-file code) with input being that matrix (and other need characteristics) and as output obtain simulation resul, when model is constructed automaticaly according to provided matrix? Some guidelines would be very appreciated.

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Gautam Vallabha
Gautam Vallabha 2011년 2월 22일
Hi Tomas,
You can write a MATLAB function that takes the matrix and uses the Simulink API to automatically create, save, and simulate the model:

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