Image processing

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Fish Out Of Water :D
Fish Out Of Water :D 2011년 10월 7일
p ='C:\MATLAB\R2010b';
fn = dir(fullfile(p,'*.jpeg'));
trh = 0.1;
for i = 1:length(fn)
a = imread ( 'C:\MATLAB\R2010b',jpeg);
imwrite(im7,['C:\MATLAB\R2010b\New folder','C:\MATLAB\R2010b']);
procImage([p '\' fn(i).name],trh);
// procImage is my function
Hi this is the code i've tried to write out.... I'm finding a method to save the batch of image that i've processed in the function as stated.
imwrite did not allow me save the image.

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 10월 7일
p ='C:\MATLAB\R2010b';
q ='C:\MATLAB\R2010b\New folder';
fn = dir(fullfile(p,'*.jpeg'));
trh = 0.1;
for i = 1:length(fn)
jpeg = fn(i).name;
fullinputname = fullfile(p,jpeg);
fulloutputname = fullfile(q,jpeg);
[im7, im7map] = imread(fullinputname);
imwrite(im7,im7map, q);
procImage(fullinputname, trh);
It is, though, not clear why you do not just copy the files to the new directory, cd() to it, and process the images there ?


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