Is there a MATLAB function that allows users to include non-Greek symbols in legends and text boxes?
조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
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I'm attempting to create a simple legend or textbox that includes non-Greek symbols and text. I'm using the following modified sample code from the MATLAB documentation;
str = {'Straight Line', 'Plot of 1 to 10', 'and nothing else'};
annotation('textbox', [.2 .4, .1, .1], 'String', str);
The following plot is produced;
Is it possible to add symbols including asterisks, circles, and diamonds to the beginning of each of these strings?
The end result would look like this, only with the actual symbols;
Asterisk Straight Line Diamond Plot of 1 to 10 Circle and nothing else
Any adivce is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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채택된 답변
Star Strider
2015년 2월 3일
See Text Properties, specifically ‘► Interpreter’. F’rinstance, ‘ * ’ is \ast, ‘ ♦ ’ is \diamondsuit, and so forth. I’m not certain what you want to do, but you could also experiment with the legend function.
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