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Why am I getting redundant legend (group) icon colors when utilizing the gscatter command?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Hi. I’m attempting to color code the legend (group) entries in a group scatter plot using the following code:
% Clear out all workspace variables and the command window
clear all;
% Set values for OATTs and IDs
OATT = [8;10;12;14;16;18;20];
ID = [1;2;5;6;7;1;8];
% Preallocate LegCol and color
LegCol = cell(1, size(ID, 1));
color = cell(1, size(ID, 1));
% Setup cases for legend
for idx = 1:size(ID, 1)
switch ID(idx)
case 1
LegCol{idx} = 'Wild-1';
color{idx} = [1 0 0]; % red
case 2
LegCol{idx} = 'Jets-2';
color{idx} = [0 1 0]; % green
case 3
LegCol{idx} = 'Kings-3';
color{idx} = [0 1 1]; % cyan
case 4
LegCol{idx} = 'Sharks-4';
color{idx} = [1 0 1]; % magenta
case 5
LegCol{idx} = 'Ducks-5';
color{idx} = [1 1 0]; % yellow
case 6
LegCol{idx} = 'Coyotes-6';
color{idx} = [0 0 0]; % black
case 7
LegCol{idx} = 'Canucks-7';
color{idx} = [0 0 1]; % blue
case 8
LegCol{idx} = 'Blackhawks-8';
color{idx} = [0.8 0.8 0.8]; % grey
case 9
LegCol{idx} = 'Blues-9';
color{idx} = [1 0.55 0]; % orange
case 10
LegCol{idx} = 'Predators-10';
color{idx} = [0.58 0 0.83]; % violet
% Transpode LegCol and color data for legend use
Legend_Nomenclature = transpose(LegCol);
Color_Nomenclature = transpose(color);
New_Colors = cell2mat(Color_Nomenclature);
% Find unique elements of ID and use the returned index
% vector n as the y-axis value in the gscatter plot
[~, m, n] = unique(ID);
ID_Index = n;
figure('Name', 'Gscatter Test');
h = gscatter(OATT, ID_Index, Legend_Nomenclature, New_Colors, 'o', 15, 'on');
for n = 1:length(h)
set(h(n), 'MarkerFaceColor', New_Colors(n, :));
At this time, I have to apologize for the lack of an image as I’m unable to embed it in this question.
However, when I run the above code, the group scatter plot is created - as expected - with a single exception. For unknown reasons the last group of data (with ID = 8) shows up as a red dot on the plot and within the legend. It should in fact be grey.
What could be the cause of this?

채택된 답변

Tom Lane
Tom Lane 2015년 2월 9일
The gscatter function as a separate legend entry for each group. Your group, as given by the Legend_Nomenclature variable, is the same for the points at (8,1) and (18,1).
You might just want to use the plot function if you intend for each point to have a separate legend entry.
  댓글 수: 1
Brad 2015년 2월 11일
Tom, I believe you are correct. As hard as I try to get the legend correct using the gscatter function, it just won't do it. The plot function does work fine. Thanks for taking a look at this.

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