How do you set the x axis ticks / labels to be equal to the y axis ones?
조회 수: 101 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I thought I could do this by the following, but it's not working:
ax1 = gca;
Instead, the x axis still has different ticks (more ticks, same range). How do I make the ticks / labels the same for both axes?
댓글 수: 1
Les Beckham
2022년 4월 6일
I think this should work if the range of the data is compatible, though it may not look very good.
Can you provide an example where this doesn't work?
Example where it does what you tell it but it may not be what you want.
plot(linspace(0,5,10), 2*rand(1,10))
ax1 = gca;
grid on
채택된 답변
Star Strider
2022년 4월 6일
The tick ranges are governed by the original data.
If the tick ranges are different, the only options are to either set the x-tick labels to be compatible, or re-scale the y-values to be equal to the x-values. Getting the exact values on both axes is only possible if the original number of tick values on each axis are the same —
x = 1:10;
y = x.^2/2;
plot(x, y)
plot(x, y)
yt = get(gca, 'YTick');
xt = get(gca, 'XTick');
xtl = linspace(min(yt), max(yt), numel(xt));
Here, there are 10 x-ticks and 11 y-ticks, so the new x-tick lables reflect that compromise.
댓글 수: 2
Star Strider
2022년 4월 6일
If the tick ranges are the same (same number of ticks on both axes), then try this:
set(gca, 'XTick',xt, 'XTickLabel',yt)
x = 1:10;
y = x.^2/2.25; % Now: Equal Numbers Of Ticks On Both Axes
plot(x, y)
plot(x, y)
yt = get(gca, 'YTick');
xt = get(gca, 'XTick');
set(gca, 'XTick',xt, 'XTickLabel',yt)
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