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Finding characters in a string / filename

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
L'O.G. 2022년 4월 3일
댓글: L'O.G. 2022년 4월 3일
How would I return as a double the number after the letter in the following file name? For instance, in the following, I would like to return 44 only.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 4월 3일
If your filename naming protocol is fixed, so that the second number is always in position 7 and 8, you can use str2double():
fileName = 'A123_T44_1.txt';
number2 = str2double(fileName(7:8))
number2 = 44
  댓글 수: 3
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 4월 3일
So the format is letter, then any number of numbers, then '_T', then any number of numbers, then an underline, and finally some number of numbers? And you want the number between the first and second underline?
fileName = 'A123_T44_1.txt';
underlineLocations = strfind(fileName, '_');
number2 = str2double(fileName(underlineLocations(1) + 2 : underlineLocations(2) - 1))
number2 = 44
It's just an alternative in case you find the scanf/regexp stuff too cryptic and want something more straightforward.
L'O.G. 2022년 4월 3일
Thank you so much for explaining all that.

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