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How to delete a row from an array if a specified column has specified numbers?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I want to delete a row from an array if a specified column has a specified number. How do I generalize the following if there is more than one number specified, i.e., for a vector with arbitrary length? The following does what I want for the specified numbers 5 and 6 and column 2, but I want to generalize it.
A(((A(:,2) == 5) | (A(:,2) == 6)),:) = [];

채택된 답변

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly 2022년 3월 30일
A = round(10*rand(20,3))
A = 20×3
7 5 1 2 9 3 4 9 4 1 8 0 8 10 9 3 7 4 5 7 7 8 5 1 2 8 0 3 10 5
for n = [5,6]
A((A(:,2) == n),:) = [];
A = 17×3
2 9 3 4 9 4 1 8 0 8 10 9 3 7 4 5 7 7 2 8 0 3 10 5 5 10 0 2 0 4

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