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If value in one vector is in another, assign the value of the other column of the second vector to a third

조회 수: 18 (최근 30일)
I have 3 vectors (these are simplified versions I created as the real data points are vast and I don't know how to put them in here and I need the concept of the task, but this means I can't solve this by assigning specific values I need a general if statement).
T = 0:20;
s = zeros(1,lenth(T));
stimuli = [4 8 14 2 16 6 15 12 3 ; 6 8 15 12 3 11 19 16 2];
I want to see if values of T are in row 2 of stimuli, and if they are I want to assign the corresponding value in row 1 of stimuli to the column in s equal to time T.
Eg, if T=19, which is in row 2 of stimuli, I want 15 to become the value in column 20 of s (20 not 19 as I'm including the 0 as the first value)
Here is my current code:
for i = 1:length(T)
if ismember([T(i)],stimuli(2,:)) %if there is a stimulus at time
s(i) = stimuli(1,(stimuli(2,T(i)))); %assigne the stimulus value at that time to s
does anyone know how I can do this? I can provide more info on my project if needed, but hopefully this will be enough :)

답변 (2개)

Jan 2022년 2월 24일
I do not understand exactly, what you are asking for. A guess:
T = 0:20;
s = zeros(1, numel(T));
stimuli = [4 8 14 2 16 6 15 12 3 ; 6 8 15 12 3 11 19 16 2];
[match, index] = ismember(T, stimuli(2, :));
s(match) = stimuli(1, index(match))
s = 1×21
0 0 3 16 0 0 4 0 8 0 0 6 2 0 0 14 12 0 0 15 0

Awais Saeed
Awais Saeed 2022년 2월 24일
T = 0:20;
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
s = zeros(1,length(T));
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
stimuli = [4 8 14 2 16 6 15 12 3 ; 6 8 15 12 3 11 19 16 2]
stimuli = 2×9
4 8 14 2 16 6 15 12 3 6 8 15 12 3 11 19 16 2
for ii = 1:1:numel(T)
% find if T(ii) is in row 2 of stimuli
idx = find(T(ii) == stimuli(2,:));
if(isempty(idx) == 0)
% if yes, pick corresponding column value from row1 in stimuli
% and put it in s
s(ii) = stimuli(1,idx);
0 0 3 16 0 0 4 0 8 0 0 6 2 0 0 14 12 0 0 15 0
  댓글 수: 4
Catherine Law
Catherine Law 2022년 2월 25일
thanks so much for your help, but this gives me a vector for s whose length is less than T, and I need them the same size for plotting etc later in my code, any idea why this might be happening? I tried making it
s(i+1) = stimuli(1,idx);
as I thought this would also shift them across 1 to account for T=0 being in column 1, but that didn't solve the length issue?
Catherine Law
Catherine Law 2022년 2월 25일
actually nevermind it was an issue elsewhere in my code thanks so so much!!

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