error after targheting xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ VCU118.

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
andrea caon
andrea caon 2021년 12월 15일
답변: Kiran Kintali 2022년 1월 19일
hi, I targheting a xilinx virtex ultrascale+ vcu118 board following the procedure provided by the matworks guides ( , ). later I added the reference design on the matlabroot ([matlabroot '/toolbox/hdlcoder/hdlcoderdemos/customboards']) and i ran command : 1)addpath(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','hdlcoder','hdlcoderdemos','customboards','VCU118'));
2)hdlsetuptoolpath('ToolName','Xilinx Vivado','ToolPath','C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2021.1\bin\vivado.bat');
when i try to use HDL coder on simulink (HDL code => HDL workflow advisor => set target => target workflow = " ip core generation" => target platform = " vcu118") at this point the hdl coder generate an error.
****the FPGA device "Virtex UltraScale+/xcvu9p/flga2104/-2" used in " Virtex Ultrascale+....." is not supported by your current synthesis tool, "Xilinx Vivado 2021.1" .... ****
But synthesis tool used supported this device, is present in board catalog.
attached there are custom reference design and immage of error.
thank for help.

답변 (1개)

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali 2022년 1월 19일
Possible pilot error in setting up the custom reference design or board support package.
Please contact for additional help.




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