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Problem with panel in GUI

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
aurc89 2014년 8월 23일
댓글: Jason 2014년 8월 23일
Hello! I created a GUI with Matlab, and it perfectly works. Then, I decided to create a panel and put all the stuff into the panel, but like this the GUI program doesn't work anymore when I run it (I mean, I still see all the commands but they don't work). What shall I do ?

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 23일
Somehow they lost the association with their callbacks. If you right click on a control and say to view its callback, where does it put you in the m-file? On a brand new empty callback function? Or on the original callback function you wrote?
  댓글 수: 3
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 23일
I don't know what you did (click and drag or cut and paste) but I don't think they should lose their callbacks. Even if you change their name (tag) it will keep their callbacks. I think you should create a small test GUI and demonstrate how the callbacks get lost. If you have Windows use PSR.exe to capture screenshots into a zip file, and post the zip file here or send it to the Mathworks.
Jason 2014년 8월 23일
If you dragged the controls, they shouldn't lose their callbacks. But if you cut and paste or copy them into the panel, they will lose the callback.

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