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How can I do the cumulative?
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Hello everyone,
I should calculate the cumulative of daily data.
Then I should do a monthly cumulative and finally, the yearly average.
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you.
댓글 수: 4
Wan Ji
2021년 8월 25일
Hi, Pul
I'd like to know which column needs the cumulative calculation and how to deal with the NaN number
So that I can help you
2021년 8월 25일
Hello Wan,
Yes, sorry. I need to take into account "Time" and "Var5".
Regarding NaNs, I don't want they become zero, otherwise my calculation would be altered.
Thank you very much for your help.
채택된 답변
Star Strider
2021년 8월 25일
LD = load('giulia_TT[1].mat');
giulia_TT = LD.giulia_TT
giulia_TT = 136440×6 timetable
Time Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6
____________________ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____
10-Dec-1997 09:00:00 310 1 -27 43 NaN 712.9
10-Dec-1997 10:00:00 300 1 -28.4 47 NaN 712.7
10-Dec-1997 11:00:00 260 4 -30.3 48 NaN 712.8
10-Dec-1997 12:00:00 240 4 -32.4 49 NaN 712.6
10-Dec-1997 13:00:00 220 4 -34.5 50 NaN 712.3
10-Dec-1997 14:00:00 180 4 -31.4 52 NaN 712.3
10-Dec-1997 15:00:00 220 1 -31.3 53 NaN 712.1
10-Dec-1997 16:00:00 200 2 -29.9 53 NaN 712
10-Dec-1997 17:00:00 180 3 -29.4 54 NaN 711.7
10-Dec-1997 18:00:00 200 2 -29.1 54 NaN 711.5
10-Dec-1997 19:00:00 210 3 -28.9 54 NaN 711.4
10-Dec-1997 20:00:00 180 3 -28.7 54 NaN 711.4
10-Dec-1997 21:00:00 210 1 -28.3 54 NaN 711.3
10-Dec-1997 22:00:00 250 2 -28.1 55 NaN 711.3
10-Dec-1997 23:00:00 270 3 -28.2 55 NaN 711.4
11-Dec-1997 00:00:00 270 3 -27.9 55 NaN 711.3
RTds_giulia_TT = retime(giulia_TT,'daily', @(x)sum(x,'omitnan')) % Daily Sum
RTds_giulia_TT = 7722×6 timetable
Time Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6
___________ ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ _____
10-Dec-1997 3430 38 -445.9 775 0 10680
11-Dec-1997 4970 88 -708.9 1304 0 17079
12-Dec-1997 4770 190 -718.3 1265 0 17107
13-Dec-1997 4820 257 -593.6 1329 0 17118
14-Dec-1997 5130 223 -625.3 1276 0 17148
15-Dec-1997 6160 122 -610.4 1231 0 17301
16-Dec-1997 5330 282 -612.3 1254 0 17229
17-Dec-1997 4840 220 -631.3 1295 0 17226
18-Dec-1997 5210 171 -638.5 1294 0 17181
19-Dec-1997 5500 192 -662.9 1233 0 17175
20-Dec-1997 5900 149 -629.9 1242 0 17164
21-Dec-1997 5020 153 -615.8 1273 0 17345
22-Dec-1997 5500 331 -555.8 1315 0 17371
23-Dec-1997 5020 274 -579.6 1306 0 17275
24-Dec-1997 5090 220 -541.7 1338 0 17406
25-Dec-1997 5390 325 -542.8 1293 0 17477
RTms_giulia_TT = retime(giulia_TT,'monthly', @(x)sum(x,'omitnan')) % Daily Sum
RTms_giulia_TT = 254×6 timetable
Time Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6
___________ __________ ____ _______ _____ _____ __________
01-Dec-1997 1.1479e+05 4878 -12777 28071 0 3.732e+05
01-Jan-1998 1.6505e+05 4790 -20623 38684 0 5.3087e+05
01-Feb-1998 1.5418e+05 7953 -22694 35043 0 4.7948e+05
01-Mar-1998 1.5895e+05 8202 -16416 53622 0 5.0993e+05
01-Apr-1998 19780 1272 -1792.9 7235 0 64240
01-May-1998 0 0 0 0 0 0
01-Jun-1998 0 0 0 0 0 0
01-Jul-1998 0 0 0 0 0 0
01-Aug-1998 0 0 0 0 0 0
01-Sep-1998 0 0 0 0 0 0
01-Oct-1998 0 0 0 0 0 0
01-Nov-1998 15670 735 -2075.2 4977 1151 52008
01-Dec-1998 1.5947e+05 6713 -18695 51606 12188 5.3271e+05
01-Jan-1999 1.4317e+05 6176 -17875 55303 13262 5.3282e+05
01-Feb-1999 1.4437e+05 6296 -26016 40696 12270 4.8046e+05
01-Mar-1999 1.5873e+05 7751 -38321 34910 14902 5.2862e+05
RTym_giulia_TT = retime(giulia_TT,'yearly', @(x)mean(x,'omitnan')) % Yearly Average
RTym_giulia_TT = 23×6 timetable
Time Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6
___________ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______
01-Jan-1997 221.18 9.3988 -24.618 54.087 NaN 719.08
01-Jan-1998 221.12 9.739 -31.197 62.76 16.347 712.16
01-Jan-1999 205.71 9.868 -38.546 60.084 27.833 709.86
01-Jan-2000 206.22 10.858 -40.587 58.32 42.214 712.57
01-Jan-2001 209.39 9.7574 -40.086 57.345 49.112 711.97
01-Jan-2002 209.49 11.56 -46.325 50.188 41.987 714.63
01-Jan-2003 204.8 13.667 -45.886 51.518 58.09 713.5
01-Jan-2004 216.18 10.512 -44.052 53.394 68.275 697.74
01-Jan-2005 212.52 11.821 -41.702 55.45 76.23 689.32
01-Jan-2006 209.99 10.875 -40.048 57.513 98.428 721.18
01-Jan-2007 210.15 9.7131 -39.308 58.263 96.873 747.83
01-Jan-2008 215.82 11.908 -40.737 56.545 73.186 711.08
01-Jan-2009 216.33 12.638 -41.397 56.284 78.298 711.96
01-Jan-2010 226.65 11.077 -47.59 49.562 75.023 710.05
01-Jan-2011 213.5 12.444 -44.61 54.425 90.797 713.36
01-Jan-2012 218.74 11.087 -41.803 56.673 101.93 713.02
Experiment to get different results.
댓글 수: 10
2021년 8월 25일
Perfect, thank you!
If I do in this way, how can I do differences between years, considering "N" instead of Var5?
For istance 1998- (minus)1999, 1999-(minus)2000, 2000-(minus)2001.
Because I'd like to plot them, then.
Thank you.
Star Strider
2021년 8월 25일
As always, my pleasure!
I am not certain that I understand what you want.
LD = load('giulia_TT[1].mat');
giulia_TT = LD.giulia_TT;
GIULIA_YEARLY_N = retime(giulia_TT,'yearly', @(x)mean(x,'omitnan')); % Yearly Average
SelIdx = year(GIULIA_YEARLY_N.Time) >= 1998; % Logical Mask Vectror
N_Sel = N(SelIdx);
N_Sel_Dif = -diff(N_Sel);
Years = 1998+(1:numel(N_Sel_Dif));
plot(Years, N_Sel_Dif)
xlim([min(Years) max(Years)])
ylabel('Yearly N-Differences')
set(gca, 'XTick',Years)

Make appropriate changes to get the result you want.
2021년 8월 25일
Yes, perfect,you got it exactly what I meant.
You're always so helpful.
I have the last question, I promise. What if I want to do in this way :
15 Dec 1998 until 7 Dec 1999, 7 Dec 1999-30 Nov 2000, 30 Nov 2000 -13 Nov 2001, 13 Nov 2001-30 Dec 2002,30 Dec 2002-4 Jan 2004,4 Jan 2004-22 Nov 2004,22 Nov 2004-24 Nov 2005, 24 Nov 2005-15 Dec 2006,15 Dec 2006-22 Jan 2008, 22 Jan 2008-9 Jan 2011/3 , 1 Jan 2010-16 Nov 2011, 16 Nov 2011-9 Jan 2013/2 , 9 Jan 2013-5 Jan 2014, 5 Jan 2014-31 Jan 2015, 31 Jan 2015-25 Jan 2018/3 ?
I mean, instead of considering one year, I' d like to do a more precise calculation.
Thank you very much.
Star Strider
2021년 8월 25일
As always, my pleasure!
I am not certain what you want to do.
One way to select the dates you want to work with is:
LD = load('giulia_TT[1].mat');
giulia_TT = LD.giulia_TT;
GIULIA_YEARLY_N = retime(giulia_TT,'yearly', @(x)mean(x,'omitnan')); % Yearly Average
limits_mtx = datetime({'15 Dec 1998', '07 Dec 1999'; '07 Dec 1999', '30 Nov 2000'}, 'InputFormat','dd MMM yyyy')
limits_mtx = 2×2 datetime array
15-Dec-1998 07-Dec-1999
07-Dec-1999 30-Nov-2000
for k = 1:size(limits_mtx,1)
IdxRng = (giulia_TT.Time>=limits_mtx(k,1)) & (giulia_TT.Time<limits_mtx(k,2)); % Logical Mask Vectror
GIULIA_SELECT{k,:} = giulia_TT(IdxRng,:);
GIULIA_SELECT = 2×1 cell array
{4368×6 timetable}
{5386×6 timetable}
Expand the ‘limits_mtx’ to include all the entries, and remember to add leading zeros to single-digit dates that do not have them. Then, process them as you wish.
2021년 8월 25일
편집: Pul
2021년 8월 25일
@Star Strider Wow, thanks.
Basically, I should obtain the same trend you can see in the graph you created in the previous comment, but not considering years from 1 Jan 1998-1 Jan 1999; 1 Jan 1999-1Jan 2000...(so 365 days,as you can see in the table) but considering them from 15 Dec 1998 until 7 Dec 1999 (eg 357 days), 7 Dec 1999-30 Nov 2000 (eg 359 days) and so on.
The problem is that for these periods I should divide the Var5 for the missing year, so 22 Jan 2008-9 Jan 2011 divided 3 (because 3 years are missing) ,16 Nov 2011-9 Jan 2013 (divided 2) and 31 Jan 2015-25 Jan 2018 (divided 3).
The other problem is that now I can't use the variable 5 so, before doing the previous step, I should multiply x 3.5 the values of Var5.
I don't know if it's clear, maybe I wasn't good at explaining it.
LD = load('giulia_TT.mat');
giulia_TT = LD.giulia_TT;
GIULIA_YEARLY_N = retime(giulia_TT,'yearly', @(x)mean(x,'omitnan')); % Yearly Average
limits_mtx = datetime({'15 Dec 1998', '07 Dec 1999'; '07 Dec 1999', '30 Nov 2000';'30 Nov 2000','13 Nov 2001';'13 Nov 2001','30 Dec 2002';'30 Dec 2002','4 Jan 2004';'4 Jan 2004','22 Nov 2004';'22 Nov 2004','24 Nov 2005';'24 Nov 2005','15 Dec 2006';'15 Dec 2006','22 Jan 2008'; '22 Jan 2008','9 Jan 2011';'1 Jan 2010','16 Nov 2011';'6 Nov 2011-9 Jan 2013';'9 Jan 2013','5 Jan 2014';'5 Jan 2014','31 Jan 2015';'31 Jan 2015','25 Jan 2018';}, 'InputFormat','dd MMM yyyy')
Error using vertcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
for k = 1:size(limits_mtx,1)
IdxRng = (giulia_TT.Time>=limits_mtx(k,1)) & (giulia_TT.Time<limits_mtx(k,2)); % Logical Mask Vectror
GIULIA_SELECT{k,:} = giulia_TT(IdxRng,:);
Star Strider
2021년 8월 25일
I demonstrated a way of selecting the relevant dates (you will need to add the other date ranges to ‘limits_mtx’) however I still do not know what you want to do.
The retime function will likely not work as you want it to with the extracted date segments, since it will calculate by calendar months or years, not the entire range in the ‘GIULIA_SELECT’ segments. However now that you have them isloated, you can calculate the aggregated values yourself. (You can still use retime to reliably calculate the daily values, just not the monthly or yearly ones, because the data are for incomplete months and years.)
If you want to multiply or divide specific variables by specific constants in specific ‘GIULIA_SELECT’ segments (although the reason is not obvious to me), you can of course do that directly in each of the ‘GIULIA_SELECT’ segments. Then, do the other calculations.
2021년 8월 25일
Yes, I added all the data in limits_mtx but I got the error you can see in the previous comment.
Okay,thank you.
Star Strider
2021년 8월 25일
The problem was:
% limits_mtx = datetime({'15 Dec 1998', '07 Dec 1999'; '07 Dec 1999', '30 Nov 2000';'30 Nov 2000','13 Nov 2001';'13 Nov 2001','30 Dec 2002';'30 Dec 2002','4 Jan 2004';'4 Jan 2004','22 Nov 2004';'22 Nov 2004','24 Nov 2005';'24 Nov 2005','15 Dec 2006';'15 Dec 2006','22 Jan 2008'; '22 Jan 2008','9 Jan 2011';'1 Jan 2010','16 Nov 2011';'6 Nov 2011-9 Jan 2013';'9 Jan 2013','5 Jan 2014';'5 Jan 2014','31 Jan 2015';'31 Jan 2015','25 Jan 2018';}, 'InputFormat','dd MMM yyyy')
% ↑ ← HERE
I corrected that typographical error and now the array works:
LD = load('giulia_TT[1][1].mat');
giulia_TT = LD.giulia_TT;
limits_mtx = datetime({'15 Dec 1998', '07 Dec 1999'; '07 Dec 1999', '30 Nov 2000';'30 Nov 2000','13 Nov 2001';'13 Nov 2001','30 Dec 2002';'30 Dec 2002','4 Jan 2004';'4 Jan 2004','22 Nov 2004';'22 Nov 2004','24 Nov 2005';'24 Nov 2005','15 Dec 2006';'15 Dec 2006','22 Jan 2008'; '22 Jan 2008','9 Jan 2011';'1 Jan 2010','16 Nov 2011';'6 Nov 2011','9 Jan 2013';'9 Jan 2013','5 Jan 2014';'5 Jan 2014','31 Jan 2015';'31 Jan 2015','25 Jan 2018';}, 'InputFormat','dd MMM yyyy')
limits_mtx = 15×2 datetime array
15-Dec-1998 07-Dec-1999
07-Dec-1999 30-Nov-2000
30-Nov-2000 13-Nov-2001
13-Nov-2001 30-Dec-2002
30-Dec-2002 04-Jan-2004
04-Jan-2004 22-Nov-2004
22-Nov-2004 24-Nov-2005
24-Nov-2005 15-Dec-2006
15-Dec-2006 22-Jan-2008
22-Jan-2008 09-Jan-2011
01-Jan-2010 16-Nov-2011
06-Nov-2011 09-Jan-2013
09-Jan-2013 05-Jan-2014
05-Jan-2014 31-Jan-2015
31-Jan-2015 25-Jan-2018
The rest should work as well, now.
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