Matlab Coder ERROR: Dimension _ is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right.

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
I had the same problem in this post but it was in Simulink. I solved that one by using a reshape block.
However, now I am trying to compile a Matlab script using the coder. The script is working without any problem and the variable which is complaining about is not growing. It is defined inside the code as a merge of some others that are not either growing or changing shape.
This is the error:
Dimension 1 is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right ([3 x :? x 4] ~= [:? x :? x :?]).
I tried to use reshape specifying the fixed numbers but even like this it did not like it.
Any suggestions?
  댓글 수: 5
Ketan 2014년 6월 2일
Here are some ideas:
- Are the sizes of any variables dependent on values of any entry-point inputs? In your previous post you mentioned sizing using non-tunable parameters. The equivalent in MATLAB Coder is to specify an input using a coder.Constant.
- You can use the report to trace backwards from the site of the error and analyze the upstream code that is causing the rhs to be inferred as [:? x :? x :?].
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 6월 3일
You can attach your 1370 lines (your m-file) via the paperclip icon. dpb, you'd better get your advance order in for the Crystal Ball Toolbox because I'm sure it will be a sellout for the first few months.

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