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Noise Removing of an image matlab Code

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Asif Hasan
Asif Hasan 2014년 5월 18일
댓글: Image Analyst 2014년 8월 29일
Hi! Everyone i am new in matlab . I tried many process in matlab but can not get my desire output. Can anyone help me with some code that can remove image noise. The image is bellow. Please give me code to remove noise.. I need only white part and the other part will be black. Any help will be appreciated....... Thanks in advance...
  댓글 수: 3
Asif Hasan
Asif Hasan 2014년 5월 19일
Sorry sir, Its my first time so. And i got this figure using the adaptive clustering process the code is
function [lb,center] = adaptcluster_kmeans(im)
% This code is written to implement kmeans clustering for segmenting any % Gray or Color image. There is no requirement to mention the number of cluster for % clustering. % IM - is input image to be clustered. % LB - is labeled image (Clustered Image). % CENTER - is array of cluster centers. % Execution of this code is very fast. % It generates consistent output for same image.
if size(im,3)>1 [lb,center] = ColorClustering(im); % Check Image is Gray or not. else [lb,center] = GrayClustering(im); end
function [lb,center] = GrayClustering(gray) gray = double(gray); array = gray(:); % Copy value into an array. % distth = 25; i = 0;j=0; % Intialize iteration Counters. tic while(true) seed = mean(array); % Initialize seed Point. i = i+1; %Increment Counter for each iteration. while(true) j = j+1; % Initialize Counter for each iteration. dist = (sqrt((array-seed).^2)); % Find distance between Seed and Gray Value. distth = (sqrt(sum((array-seed).^2)/numel(array)));% Find bandwidth for Cluster Center. % distth = max(dist(:))/5; qualified = dist<distth;% Check values are in selected Bandwidth or not. newseed = mean(array(qualified));% Update mean.
if isnan(newseed) % Check mean is not a NaN value.
if seed == newseed || j>10 % Condition for convergence and maximum iteration.
array(qualified) = [];% Remove values which have assigned to a cluster.
center(i) = newseed; % Store center of cluster.
seed = newseed;% Update seed.
if isempty(array) || i>10 % Check maximum number of clusters.
i = 0; % Reset Counter.
end toc
center = sort(center); % Sort Centers. newcenter = diff(center);% Find out Difference between two consecutive Centers. intercluster = (max(gray(:)/10));% Findout Minimum distance between two cluster Centers. center(newcenter<=intercluster)=[];% Discard Cluster centers less than distance.
% Make a clustered image using these centers.
vector = repmat(gray(:),[1,numel(center)]); % Replicate vector for parallel operation. centers = repmat(center,[numel(gray),1]);
distance = ((vector-centers).^2);% Find distance between center and pixel value. [~,lb] = min(distance,[],2);% Choose cluster index of minimum distance. lb = reshape(lb,size(gray));% Reshape the labelled index vector.
function [lb,center] = ColorClustering(im)
im = double(im); red = im(:,:,1); green = im(:,:,2); blue = im(:,:,3);
array = [red(:),green(:),blue(:)]; % distth = 25; i = 0;j=0; tic while(true)
seed(1) = mean(array(:,1));
seed(2) = mean(array(:,2));
seed(3) = mean(array(:,3));
i = i+1;
j = j+1;
seedvec = repmat(seed,[size(array,1),1]);
dist = sum((sqrt((array-seedvec).^2)),2);
distth = 0.25*max(dist);
qualified = dist<distth;
newred = array(:,1);
newgreen = array(:,2);
newblue = array(:,3);
newseed(1) = mean(newred(qualified));
newseed(2) = mean(newgreen(qualified));
newseed(3) = mean(newblue(qualified));
if isnan(newseed)
if (seed == newseed) | j>10
array(qualified,:) = [];
center(i,:) = newseed;
% center(2,i) = nnz(qualified);
seed = newseed;
if isempty(array) || i>10
i = 0;
end toc centers = sqrt(sum((center.^2),2)); [centers,idx]= sort(centers);
while(true) newcenter = diff(centers); intercluster =25; %(max(gray(:)/10)); a = (newcenter<=intercluster); % center(a,:)=[]; % centers = sqrt(sum((center.^2),2)); centers(a,:) = []; idx(a,:)=[]; % center(a,:)=0; if nnz(a)==0 break; end
end center1 = center; center =center1(idx,:); % [~,idxsort] = sort(centers) ; vecred = repmat(red(:),[1,size(center,1)]); vecgreen = repmat(green(:),[1,size(center,1)]); vecblue = repmat(blue(:),[1,size(center,1)]);
distred = (vecred - repmat(center(:,1)',[numel(red),1])).^2; distgreen = (vecgreen - repmat(center(:,2)',[numel(red),1])).^2; distblue = (vecblue - repmat(center(:,3)',[numel(red),1])).^2;
distance = sqrt(distred+distgreen+distblue); [~,label_vector] = min(distance,[],2); lb = reshape(label_vector,size(red)); %
and the color image is
I need to segment the sclera part from the image. I am doing sclera recognition project. If you have any matlab code for this please help. And thanks for reply.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 5월 19일
Please just attach the m-file with the paper clip icon. Then read this http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/13205-tutorial-how-to-format-your-question-with-markup

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 5월 19일
  댓글 수: 8
Asif Hasan
Asif Hasan 2014년 8월 29일
Thanks for the reply . But which one should i follow first for this kind of problem , there are many links. @Image Analist
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 29일
Follow the ones that sound most promising. I have not read all the image processing papers in that narrow field, or even any of them, so I don't know which are any good. You'll have to figure that out on your own.

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