plot multiple PSD lines in single graph

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
md 2014년 4월 15일
댓글: md 2014년 4월 15일
Hi, i have two different PSD plot for two different file...but i am not able to plot these two in one graph ,because i want to compare both. here is a sample of my code...
signal = load('tremor_analysis.txt');
N = length(signal);
fs = 62.5; % 62.5 samples per second
fnyquist = fs/2; %Nyquist frequency
X_mags = abs(fft(signal));
bin_vals = [0 : N-1];
fax_Hz = bin_vals*fs/N;
N_2 = ceil(N/2);
semilogx(fax_Hz(1:N_2), 20*log10(X_mags(1:N_2)))
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power (dB)');
title({'Single-sided Power spectrum' ... ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
axis tight
  댓글 수: 5
dpb 2014년 4월 15일
편집: dpb 2014년 4월 15일
For what definition of "not working"? That is NEVER a sufficient problem description.
There's no indication of a second plot in the posted code--either follow up the above with another data file and plot command after executing hold on or create the other dataset before plotting and plot both together by place them in the same call as columns in an array presuming you're using the same frequency binning for both.
md 2014년 4월 15일
@Mohammad Monfared, thank you brother its working.... =D
@dpb, thanks for your warm advice.... =D

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