STM32H7xx Based Boards (Single-core)
Create Simulink® models with the peripherals such as ADC, FDCAN, DAC, Encoder, I2C, MQTT, TCP, UDP, and more available for STM32H7xx processor-based boards (Single-core). You can prepare the model for STM32H7xx processor-based boards (Single-core) to use the STM32CubeMX project with Simulink to generate code and deploy the code to the hardware. Configure the Simulink model to interface with supported target hardware using model configuration parameters.
- Configure STM32 Processor-Based Boards using STM32CubeMX with Simulink
Configure the STM32 Processors-Based Boards to use STM32CubeMX project with Simulink.
- Configure Ethernet Options in STM32CubeMX for STM32 Processor Based Boards
Ethernet configuration in STM32CubeMX project.
- Set Up Scheduling Options for STM32 Processor-Based Boards
Setting up scheduling options for STM32 processor based boards.
- Use SoC Blockset Pass-Through Block Simulation
Use the SoC Blockset™ block pass through to add simulation to STM blocks.
- Using CORDIC Co-Processor Block with DMA in STMicroelectronics STM32 Processor Based Boards
This example shows how to use and generate code for a CORDIC block in a Simulink® model for STMicroelectronics® NUCLEO-G431RB board to calculate SINE and COSINE values for given values of theta by using DMA.
- Introduction to MQTT
Basics of the MQTT messaging protocol.