Assisted and Automated Driving at Porsche
Process, Methods, and Tools: The Key Enablers for Software-Defined Vehicles
Future of Engineering Design in the Age of AI
Navigating the Shift to Centralized E/E Architectures in SDVs
How the Software-Defined Vehicle Trend Is Transforming Development Processes
Cybersecurity: Addressing ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE with Model-Based Design
End-to-End Framework from Cloud to SoC for SDV Development
Accelerating Development of VCU Software in Iveco eDaily with Model-Based Design
Fault Injection Testing and Simulation-Based FMEA
How to Simulate and Test Heterogeneous AUTOSAR Software Compositions in Simulink
From Electrode to Pack: Simulate and Tune Fast Charge Profiles
How to Accelerate EV Software Release Cycles with AVL E-Motor Emulation Testbeds
Design and Analyze a Battery Electric Vehicle with Thermal Management
Developing Next-Generation Lidar with Model-Based Design
AD/ADAS Country-Based Virtual Validation Using Real-World Data
Automated Driving in the Urban Environment with RoadRunner Scenario
AI with Model-Based Design: Reduced-Order Modeling
Deploy AI-Based Functions into Rapid Prototyping for Real-Time Applications
AI-Driven Software Design and Development for AURIX TC4x in MATLAB and Simulink
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